Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 409, 14 March 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


Tbu whon tb« OMla, expUnaUooc tb« Xini«tor oflb« Intemr abo«tcerUio lilik» matltri «iU bi in ord«r. Tkat Ihi |iottQdi it Kimklii fcr AniMtrong J B n«lliir dki »o nmoh, bavo *ov « m wljl » iiH» lonom Tfeat W. IL RN)uujt bae mnm®d tb» managorabip of Honokaa 8«fl»r 00,. aiul ibat & Bootobnao baa got tb«r4 n»piacod tbo iord)e. Tbat (ba ti!w aarWea of tb» fioar*a mm oa boani tba %% Ban FrwM*wo M tba finMt wt of >iate pomiiad by *oy #hip in tb« An* «rtoan N«n

eap<irigoūūd fti|» of WellinaUm. bop*te kaH «. ff£KMl tln« oa tb« Pal«bwlMl !»!«. Tfeat & kt of Mmmlo ckaps£« pa&BBd ih»>u|{fa by tbo M MMmf 9 on tb#ir 14/ to 'Pnaeo. Tbpi I» awftillj f ard 4ofii io tbe G&ostim juei oow, don't you know. That tbe membera oftb«Ca>Meel are keeping very q«ifot lately, hntdif showing tbeir noaea to the ptkblie. Wbere i& tb« Atteri»qy Ger»raJi? Fallon aaleep? Tb«t tbe aet" wUI .be practie«l wetk)f oo ehore d«flaf tbe atay of tbe >4 &an'FranoiBoe" ia tbis port, u ComiQg evente caat their sbaJows be£or@. ** Tbetour ealeemeil «e»/mv tbe tl alt DeuUch" editor enjoy«td him~ selfat the Punahou perfermaeos, it remioded him so mueh of ihe three weekt? he speot ii« the <lt\ir Fatberi«Bd f Thal a notieeab!e featuse of tbe «on<»rt la»t Haturday ereniup; was v tbat while m number of tioket holders hael to stand, about one-Biz of the bssement was oceupied by & dozeu of the ui»per (t) crust laxuriating at tbeir eaae in tbe royd pews. Tbat tbese wiudy. dusty <Liys make people tbink there is aoinetbing radieally wrong in $e ama-, teur water eart system in tlus «Hm, aod tbat tbe eMi«t sbould give the sweepiiig aad water~ ing of tbe tboroughfare« their beet atteotion. That owing to the d<%parture of Portuguese and other while laWeia for tbe coast, tbe country atMB on the other ixland-4jre beginntog to feel tbe bard times v and toat lf it was not for tbe side sbows of gin and opium. many Ohineee store» keepere would go tp the walK That it is no wonder the Portugum )aborers fail to see wbere the adrantage to tbem ,wou]d eoneist io engaging to grow oane for the ' mill owners« when they are expeeted to find food and ck>thes fot ■elf wife and a familyofaty sis kids. and aU on tbe aagnifoeoi r Mnthly sd?tikM of ten ēoUan.