Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 412, 17 March 1892 — THE NATION'S CURSE. [ARTICLE]


\V*e }»avc hot»n :ihs»urfj that K* Leo ha» atruek the tru.e k<>y not»' ,of th'e niition*B curBo. if no. of tho hattanY<i<>otu r hy a mimb> r oi our >eatJ*r», i'n ' th'e st!item«At in lft*t Tue»tlay's ipsu»'. 'h-\t' it is tlue to alooholie imiul;,* ~re. This wc l»e--liew is u fnct. applieaole to all peoule, ainl iu.n»- !>ut those who are {K*rsonally mti?rr»*te<J- in the l>nsiho.gs,- u?nl<Ttake to ar<;ue to therontrary. The uko of aleohol is a \v;isting t ■ usun.i»ti«>n. taßt<'nh)g ami t xerciBiMj{ :t l) ilfful an«l <lt'>tructive in-lliM-ne»- uoon tl)«' vitals of sufietv. It has a h<'num!»inj; inlluenee. exten<ling to llie "Xtrōuiitu'« of the hotiy. 11 i* like a «ieep antl rnj)i<l t »rr«*at :■( '1* stnu'tiori, ht-;iri<;j: thē wiei'k of n.«n<ms in its eoiiw, aml is tii«' m.t!u un<lerlying < aus.- that is» rai)i<lly <lef>troying the fouiKiutioi; of this as \vvli :t8 t)f other nations. it is fron\ this Hourc<v niore than froiu atiy oth«'r tliat th«- !ust of the heart it< ereait*d antl hy it urge<l on to its fuiīiliißT.t anil event iallv to a dipgrac<.'ful life and a d)shonored <le.ith. l)runk<'nn« t-H the <dlVpring t)f unnatural sti»uulantp. antl ihe product of <iecay, i-* the A ginning an J eioHing of tl»e life of sotne ol the inost hrilliant !ntelhH't6 the world has produoed, and the prin<ripal agent that treateB ti!ii)atural <leHireH in th< humai.) breast. I>j* \?xlr<w Clarke, physi< ian to (|ueeti \'iciori.i. H|>eaking of nleonol and it» efTecis,Havsr ' i aui !:orrilie»l at inlenip< ran<'e atid t.-he consuinption of aleoho! in this <ountry, that souietitnes I. leel 1 ik • :;.iving up ev<-ry thinp, an<l g<- lorth m a hr.lv erusa»lē. t»> all men. ik'vvare of Uie ein-;ny of t !ie raee.'' ThfS»var»' exaetlv our s» nt riK-nts in otir regenerate<l lift\ and for ilw laek of Huftleient laith, we wouhl have gone ibrth er« this to tio hattle with the ilenion, hu' iinfortunatelv f«»r our desire« our faith is new an<t that we are not a weil pa*ronized ■m. n , nor a re we a ph ypi - eian to our Que*?n, aithough in our feehle way vvc en<leavor to he her menlal M, I>. and preecrihe- relief to her menlai trouhles. The IH*st urin<i of tiie worl<l, from ex}K!ri« nce a&d ohservati»»n. froiu aiuong all eiasse«, huve aeknowl- < <lge the use of aleoiiolief»ttinulai«ts as a cnrs", and the onh* Hiifegiiard aguinst its <'(Teets i* total ahstmene<\ W e «i'iole liie followiug for th<' culightinent of our rea(i»'rs. and t.> iliustrate the ill »jTeeti* of Meohol U}H)n the iiuuinu inimi anti l»ody: "The of Ivew \'ork, in :ts ' i*sQ*j of Fehruarv 11. giv< sthe very brief<-8t aee«»utit of the niore t»eriouii crinieH eouiinitted while un<ier the influenc« of liquor, f»»r two mont!»H, I>eceVnl>er 1 to .?.uuiHry 01, as re ported by tlie duily pr<HP The ternbie ibt inelmiee nearh tw<r handred brutal uiurdera. eutting*, outf*g*> on women and qhiltlren. Th«*e wert nineiy-two kiiiinfa, fa-

tai cuttings, and shootings t twentyseven deathe for aleohol'» band alone, sixty-seven cases of Berious woun<lings, twelve cases of inhu--1 niau hrutaiity, etc. Thie list doef not iu< lude many unreported caees , w hen t>otue other eauwe thao liquor ) was alieged. Ard this ie hut a panoramic view of what is contmu 'all y pasping. ' How lt»ng, O Ijord, how long ?' l .. -