Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 413, 18 March 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


Tbat;Bt. anJ St. Pat riok'« :Dny wak kepi «p wilh parliei, picuic« and regattafi. and gt •vetiinK ;vith a grund l»all *t lolani Palaee thc d»y'ft wjmcing cU»»ed. Thf» iiving Baint gave a pnrty at hi» Waikiki resiilence, in honor of the d«ad Bsint, at vvbich h< i r Ma* jestv graced the oeeaaion witb her royal presenee.

That Zero, like Boin*vof the weak kneed revolutionigtB of IW, would iike to ftart tbe ganje onee more. and then find n convenient to akip to aonie 4rfbbeigbt, froiu whenee to watcb the turn of affrtirs, returning in good aeaaon to eull the fruit of others labora.

Tbat Zero dreads the thought of again simmering down to thc dend level of uiortais in Hawuu nei, and of loaing a plutocrats privilege of driving slaves in a ea'ne Held or baskit»g as sboddy at the capital of i& Belle Franoe.

Tfeat when f»uj?ar ;)lanting on the cooperative plan i? suggetU>d the people shrug their s|i(>uider6 and refer to Kapaa, other plai)tattniic whose ownere heeame wealthy at the expense of the poor planter and 1086 of nia lauds. That Cuetona Houso oficiali have l&rge ranchefi iii California. That the-unprecedeated jnpeed with whieh Cu?tom House officejrs get wealthy is a Biuister sign of mißderneanor on theu* part, nonie of whom are rich to day on a smaU salary after a few years service. That the new rule of the Queen's Courtii distafiteful to Hon 8. K. Ptuu and Hoii. J, W. Uipikane, one of whom hae been invited ai Mr. Pna, and the other is invited tostay &way. That grav« imputations agains( thcCustom and Poliee Departments are Bt)il Btamling, whieh we hope will receive a better aiul more honest inwBtigation by the next LegisUture, there being a new set o* lawyers in the preeent Houae. whieh require« a higher incentive to oover than ihe latt lot of investigatorB.

That the hst big trans«etion in of¥icialdom is thē purchase bv the Chihfto9 of. the entire Cuatom« |iitrtment« whieh hft§ reyived tho<Ud •*tndal about periiiit«, opium, and aueh like. ♦ Thst th«»re are grare rutaora afir»itt that the tast baich of Cbtn- «** >•*«' iilogallv Kanded Herf>. a$ thev do not comispe>nd with the details itt the as to )ieight, iVatuf*t an^ That Fa{her Botimntivi oC lII* lo openiy avowed M\* «9QsIHmI te the Lih»rsl PHflr tt Hl* io» U tieferenee to f)qyahy* Tb«bp* positi*H) was quiteMlms#ddMnv9 vbat grathude oatj >ailtf»i .fer<fe» asrvtes to i^iinnwlaiM™ a iw po** MMIH «f«l7 •»>, II

?hst fent *< toMiwCw %sm o(Bntel that a «eft eauk} waah tbe "o!Smal papers," aml tlraing gwir of eehoon«ra and iloopk orerfeoard and not diaturb tlie CfBw, their eletM»g and proTiaona. Tell it not to tbe That nome p<Uitioh in the Cne« toraB Departmelit ia eqjßiiral6«it tō an ownerabip i«i a Kevadft »ilver niiae, i»»d the.V »re ifot ttiofie of, tid« waitvrs either. ::V-I. Vi/ ; y:-'VV Vv^:V;; :yV-^ Tha; the fr) f « in th« Cu»com Houss have to de as Uv y are told, and hud y?r nn sh, don*t yer inoind. That it is not r after »11, tbe body that is <if so mueh aecofcn4;-it is the spirit of tyve and duty tbAt animates the so"l We wonder if ipur most graciaus Exēc«itm and her adviwrs t»re animated with the unwavering tbebigbdeeds that live in bistory« ih eong, aod in peoplee' beart, or are tb»y o»ly living a life whrwse aspirations dM not reach beyond and tbe gratifitittioos of tbe hia&s of tlic ;ftesbt-,v.|vvv>v-