Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 415, 22 March 1892 — THOSE CHINESE PASSPORTS. [ARTICLE]


V\> p;ve the fo)lowin|t oorr««* f*ondence in r*ference to a «uty«ct «»f \ to thtrcommunitv. h ».;■! i>r -w»n by the re|»)y of tbe iv»l !»T.v»r tien#f«l th*t tue re<|ii«ot '«i '.!i« Mt«»f of tl»e ooiup]ftin«nt !ii i» 1 Fl»ould grt "* ho«rinK laO* i«» w»tb the per«o«if wbo«e 1 w«P iiot eoin* l»li««d with, th* reā«fa»n* for whioh do nol <ippear in tht «n«wtr. AV§

U*v* the wmpoedew, wiihoel fnrther eomiMiil, to epeak fer itwlf: Bur«ao of Ciutoms, Honolulo. Mar. J6, 1892. J . A: Maooon. **q. Ciiy .Sii>:—: w ācknowMge the receip- of your ooiomunkalion of the 15th insi., and wouJd et*te thal I held an investigation ©n Monday tuornit)g in the preeence of Mr. Alee, the Ohineee Co«umerci*l Afent. I U>ld you on Seturdey wben jou calted el 11 o'eloek thal I would inveetigete the matter. 1 do not find that any roonejr wae received lmproperl? or rvtained by Y(»ū| Nap. and theprohibitii)g of oonversation between the paeeeogere and meo fiom shore wae dooe by order of the Port Surve?or whieh wa* very proper, I beg to remain youre moet respectfu!!y. A. S. Oleohokn Co3lector General.

Hon. A. S. Clechorn, Collector Genernl. Sih :—I am oblijf*-vl e to eail vo.ir att»ntion to tb<? conduct of Young Nap, int«rpreter for the Port Burveyor, with referenc« to hia Btatoment on tbe treatu.ent ofcertain Ciiinee* wbo eaine t«» thU country c»ii tbe trip of tlie 9tcam«hip •'iWpie,"

I \.ent oui to tn«' IWlgic on tke Mh inst„ a iiltle l»of !4 }».m. in the oveninc ai whieh 'iiine Youtig \ap )iiinself very obj* ctionab)e l v y tryinjr to prohibit- conver««ation bctwcpn in o;;r i»o.it an<l the i'liinw#» iia<tfen|(cr.s m» liie ?hip. Hm aak« «i th«» Hoarci of H<»ulth g;<ani tō-Ato» any Buch cojt vt i rsHtion a* it intt*:ftred -.v:tn his «luī\\ ivln tv »>

a matter of fact he h-*d nothiitg to elo l'Ut to »sk indivi»lual {>asa«nfers under the :ns ructionB of tne Port Surveyor wiih referenoe t»» thelr permils. lt see;ns th:it t!iere were forty pa**>i g rs hy the H*lgic who either had uo al all or whoae permits were irr*gubr. At about B:3b o'eloek that evenmg, Young Xap went t«» the office of Ohulan A* Co.. su 1 an. informeil bv C. Alee. aml there exj»ctinl fro:n ;tie friendi of t:u» Chine«e on b<»arii. twēnty>five (loliars f»<r «•aeh nwn with the 9"t'::te!iient thnt if the neuie ehoulii not W. paiii at or*ev th<*«t» forty nivn woiihit»e rett:rn to (.'hina bv th** Belgu-.' whieh wouhi j»ail that £uine tiight «Uiut 12 o'eloek. The monev w«s thcn paid. according to Mf. Alee'a aUteiiient to me mttde befunv witnesde*. to the Clerk of Chulan *V C<\

Vo«up Nap r«pre»enied to the fristMlt of thoēe on boaru tnat he had the powt>r of prt»7*nting tttcir b«ng Uken Uok to Ohina. and thi«money wm W id on)y undkr «ph mprrsM)Ution«« Thw w«« while YoiinB Nap w*s in« the C««toaj Hoiimi bad&> aix) %ppare«Uy acting wiih Um apim» val ortlM P6riBumjror. ĪUp*r •on» who pald th« b>ob9Y ww th«t Young Nap dkl not pn*> •m Um powtr that hf daimod «nd to wtUfy them od this point h* iUt«4 th«t ho wooia fe*v»tlw »o«ttT*t UMoHlee sf ChuUn * C* ontil the nett d«y nnd if th# mii <Iml not th« iuotmy wou!d I» r%Ain<M. '

Tb«> n«st inoniinn, A)m tolla nw Y«un(t X«p or I*o CHit 8«», «bo wm »(>tiii| in conjunetion witfc Yoonf Sip, mm to th* oom and t«olt ilw m«7 «wi» Ahoul lli «'olnek jMt Wor* Mw tmml mIM. .S*n v«o> to th« houM ofl

one, C. K. M eblai>ed a pennil 19 l*xi& Uie Fee«i«n Office P* a (M «fbii«i boeri the Belgie, and etated to Ai that the pern>it wae good for oothii>g «nd that if he no* wanl hie friend to be tak«n beek Im the Belgic he mott pey him twwtT'fiw dollare. Thi« Ai agreed to do and Loo Chit Bam iwenl lbe next day to Ai's offioe. to | oolleel * Ihe raooey. Ai refueed to p«y lt be#we eoneolling me vitli nieiwnee to Ihe mal* ter. I obUined tbie pwnil for Ai by filiug a bcod whkh wae perfectlv rejgular. and before leenng the «teamer. I had pointed out to the ?ort BorvBy«r tbe oenoa for whom tbe penail was intended in the prta*nc* Yoi»Bg Kep* aad «11 wae arranged tl»t be ihouM oome oo ebore. Chit 8m eo«ld nei poe*ihly Uave obtai»ed ioMmalkii on tbu matter exeepling' tbroiigh Young Nap. That liie whole eeheme wae one for tbe purpoee of exlorting mo««fy onder oolor of the law is perfoctly apparent when il ie known that tbr Port Burveyor bae no authority tc allow any Ohineee lo land wbo h*s no permit per»onal to himeelf. EUber theee men had permite un<ier whieh the« Port Burveyor cou!d allow them to Jand ur ■:thry h;ul none and ohnulO. n t h&ve !*e**n pfrn»it?e4 to )aftd. .

In th«j firat ca?e if mo;iev ;va? ob tiiined from the*?e (ierfuii« when th»y were furtt»h«Hl w>th )**ruiit« for the privilege of peraiitt'ng them to land, it w«s u grop* outrng<vor in the •eeonel pla<*. if it wan paid for lh«r privilege of p**rmiltii.g them th« Und when tbev were m»t l>ravidrd nith | enniti», !t is a vuh latio?rof tUe I:t v an«i mak<* t:?«.«*r liable who are coneerned !he hi:ittor, t»> s?vt'r«' puni»hiiit*n.. I C;il! vour r.ltenti »n to thi? ter on Saturdav wi»h th«» ho?*: th«t. you wou!d »t least inv«*tig.Ut» the n>atter nnd : givj* uie a heKrii»g fiice to fact- with |the pefnona hoae nain»»s I memi«iiied. but a» Y« jng Xap still r >ntnui#*« to be int»*rj>rrt**r fr.r the Port Surveyor I *ini bo'unJ to l»eli*vU that you e »naidfr the uiatter too irifling fftr y«»ur nt te*itioiv, I h«d not intend«*d to nay anyU)ing to ir npeaeh Mr. Crabbc ih« Port Survetor hut a§ he in uplioUing Vr»unfe Nap in thm unlawful lranf«ct!on, it haa a v?rv bad look to say ttie leaM as far he is concerned. Mr. CraMK- tn» <! to smo<»th the ?natu'r *»ver the o f her day in your preUnee by the sUt•ment that tbe money had been returned. Ttii« diiea $ffc>et the matter at ail. Jthe iael that the DK»ney S«p t (k»>n is where the breach of the lair eomee it. I re»«Sii Youf ohd*t Mrvaat. I J. A. Maooo*.