Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 420, 29 March 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


Th*t a liUle feint lim hroaghi out all ihe sand in tbe Palaoe. That ihe trboU« of Kinn Bal* tBhasar or cf a Uter tho Ctar of Rnsaia. art hov«ring otcr poor Hawaii and is plaving havoc with the rest Madam and B«riraniv' Thatth© Tirget practioe among the innooenl» at Wikax , s Agua Manaa Randeooa, waa noted hf a Boecial Polke deta!M for that po»W and waa imttediat«lj toleplHH»ed froin the Walkiki Bta* tk». That Uiia waa prohably the immediala eaiiae of tko aaed hatf« beio§ placed iu podtkm at tke Pklaoa. That the fete of Bali&aoeda, of eWH, md hto fh¥OriHla iiwiWng eeane >eopk ii Hawaii, aad U makinf aadi4rMēi oa Um pw>po>ad good iima a»d rogral ptf«Mtr? he had ia tki AHaii. Tbal iko B<edt«7i m \ikfng ad» vanta9»of the aoaro andwOliaftd opiom a|l poi»* «f iko «mi* paii. Olk wk*t a Hm Ii Um dopepiTatea. That the IM» Oloe and Ha owima are kiK>eked ioto pie, h? a Btone, aU m a hhaial war»whoop. Tkat Hoa. k. W. Wikm hada ko*ae w*rm*ng on th* fir« dar «f Um woak. aitd tke boja to tko number of alnmi eerontj or a k«* ndred % wer« amyaing iWiawNii! •kooaae ai llii Qkkf of Poiiee i*

Thai tfce JUk kml | llfl—ll|- ' 4aoa»Mdttw mUs. «a«M Jo« «nd gWw >a npp«rtiißHj —d poor ipmlii. fft M Vat m«* «*

Tl«i Vnwk bM ftr«h* Man af Wp km* iu*, iktk* kHMWi

Ait mhi («« «Mto MMH» |rt, Kini 1 ?; ISm OMMr H. «hA «• mg t '"•m li OMlap «f IW hoMMnonL"

Tbat KiiM a«d Mfe» ftdkr Kaow HoHdfig, wi» Miatt l«8t wwing IR !BtW|Hti>ll «f tro«bie. mnd bad tbe g«itds inaai wUh eftlrid|N in tMf licte'ftad croi»4>ell9.

That rero)uti<mar? repons giveo out io Um pMttlx omoilm will »- oeiw eredenee by tbe AuatnOk'« ieUen, and all on &6eount of TereM'e iiuki party aod tbe. im «ai*» erowi ia tbe Cabtnet. How •boQtottreNdit.

Tbat tbe Cbief of the foer k»w«. ws tRMnd fcmjrii*g «11 tbe catridgee at tbe diffsMt gQQ aed »mßittait»pQ «tora in towo.

Toat Captain Pvker tb Poiie® fofe§ mon mK ēit| al Waikiki, mh&> tbe bfc*t wm pn&k&i &l 100, aod tetniog fcev 'Ua done. Thāt 80er»t e*eaaas are bdlmd br tbe Gov«mn«nt to «xis4 wbcre, in tba air That,« tfonb)9d eomaiwm on» atet phanOMm* tbat oaakee a%bt htdeoos. Tt*at Hebbard k pwM* OolMMl'i « pur . tf m bMt», and folēaik «imunl