Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 421, 30 March 1892 — JAY GOULD "TAKES STOCK" IN HEAVEN. [ARTICLE]


The \Vorld to-m jrrow, i n eom;inetiting on the gift of to t!u' rniversity of thv City of N<'\v York. will sav: Mr. (T»»uui fu!ly f<'els thut his itir-t»tity in tii" t!iings ot tliis \vori.l is an ailair of hut a e< nipar•tt»v< ]y Biii>rt uiue to < ou:e. For this reas<»n lu; is heginniug to turn his thoughis fr.»m n»atters perish-* al»Ie to matters impemhahle. He has grown greaiiy ixi reiigioUB grace and farvor <>f late. He is cleafly land rav»idly shaping his conrse I towards aetual iuenih<.'»Bhip nrith 1 the ehurch. \\ry sm»n, iudee<L aftc»* liis n*turn from hi» present trit», t!-er«- wiM he an inter©?tiiij; << r< nu<iiv iu Hr. 1 axton's Pr<sby. t< ria:i < imr<. h. ! < m.;y !»<• a .very <;ui < t c: :» ni"i;v —::in:o>?. iU<if<-J. '-<• Tv t , !,t.\ ! >ul ;.t it < < l.»><* »};t V ( i. i v\.;; ' .< <-'-;s);thv;t»uranV wit.h !'r. i'i xu»'! - »ytvrian ii <k. ——- * • :■ I -