Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 421, 30 March 1892 — STREET TALK. [ARTICLE]


T.ni. Ai:y IU W8 mrt? til. 1. ihih ulx»ut thf new īoun» Yoii uieiili th* Xowlei« i,.N ? i V« i > San/8 a groat miiU t'i r y i':-,;; iloni VOU ft>r•h ' * 4 11-:;N ••!«. Satn'B puti v £»k«I at tv-*. h iiy> ifr v%\iir c>Tks ai il vttlai\« •> !• .V..- t" r :» ¥ojrr I uun «i •. ih.i.* ;.r . ;ut u,ucU ► u I U\ uam ' • . * Vm» hou.u <*v S.iiu one

|tlay, orevening, iaei we#k. I got i wher* I w«Urheil the g«tue ,in thē dark. The boy« ha<t heeu con(ln«I to burracks for dny» ai»J on this particular evening th«*y hatl a eaae of j(i«—!> »ught ikH «i Sani 7 s — and the boya kn«*w when Ham \vould be around anil received hioa with oj»en order nnd tixed bayonetg and formed a rmg with Sam jii the jcenter. ! Tom. Vou don't mean to »ayr— j Bill. YeB v no; they dffiti't feed «hino, but they gave him liberty for the rest of the evening atid he rode | off and ihe boys e,»joyed theuiselveB. | Stun is not neariy 80 hard on the | bovs as he ueed to be when Saui | Parker eame over to quell a mutiny and found half the guards in eelie, The boys tay if ever it comes to amoke and noiee Sam will want popping up with some of the epaTe iron railings and a steel cuiraBB on his busterior. and in the event of C»eneral Nowlein getting dropped, the four nnnisters are willing to eonfer the rank of Field Mnrgihal on ( Ihe head of the poiic<\ !■ Tom. AVhy t thoy offvr the ,joh to r»urnit vij;i,ante l»osf, or I wiiat's th»'Hiattcr tfith Sain Pnikcr as ('ojjri» in<l.T iu*chi' f ? Hiil. ■■■That's n! i rii;Lv. l»ut ■'l>arker is a lnisy inair. iiiijvks th'* A. 1. wo iM boa h' rt« r n>:irk. t lvar!i'v k iiow >and !ut>.