Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 427, 7 April 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That :\ithotigh the sc&nd&ls are verv Im ; nbout ihe }iolic9 head <ji; • : v,- sincc the pre?ent chief :»««> .. •«-\\\\ it ehouM not be ov< vi <»:; «i that vetv prave chargea wr:*; <Hf>s'antiv current on tlie * .s. thr.t foriHfr oeeapanU of ?h t i-'**» were not mueh betu-r. V ~t t';pre ha« been a row Aoiong t!u ;i rg on about poliee he«d qu:irt<r»—rV. caused by a dlsp'Jtte their And ot the purtit»t: on agam of a man wbo *** a ret<>rm ol&eer. That an inaane eftfnival vm b«UI in a oerUin imU* tution in Um dty. ff>ra by ao«rtminrWni y*#tag whiie ekM lo a mj*¥* 180 a»i a few d>tttfiftii«M *oa laol 1 •

whole of dri^^ *liti»&®^ <Mf datk d«iv»g<s &nd M pi*il<j«i is So4oi3a awi oa- | Thai th« qo£stion I» £ui«g tbe KKioē»» why ifl keft in the M drwio9r« n 0i»e« smQ(»th *m%ktsr h*B set i» t «s>y is eiie: ttot tow«d o»t a&d t«»ted f ©t*ly ftn§w©r ki: Tl» d&roed Ui|j>|f ia Fotte from tb t Uuae the \&m 0i ©ar*yiaf <mt th« «ieepenia* ol tb» numli of th© likri»p was e@»c«irf*d; «id it bas Imn gr&wing «one oVer iin«e. *SSom?thitig » roUen iti Denurark" » &wect be«id« tiiijs dredger I fc-tiues3. *

i Th»ifc at«iong the Pist of «tock j owners in the uew Valaee organ j fttancls ihe nAin« 018 tm Kowlen fi»r #50 while thc grave (iigger is do*ni |<ir «SKXJ. Ham cnii't havencitich fuith ! in a ventur»* he backJ« «p |vif;j oti!y ?t ttc"k;'j4 ... ,j I TUat t-!irc<* • iU:iiigui*h«d : lrn»»n :;re in ihv !'<slkw Fc.fc# t ; <!ruiu;»ry" ■« |»ium smitj:gU'rB. ' Th st l» <\>. ;ir* trying, to get, lup a riflr '(>:upi\!iy. ni.«>rfier to d',*|K>9e of a nment of riHes iiu j tK»rted \n thc vt»ar - _ ] f ■ - v i That. for incun?<i6tfency tho Hh-J waiian ( : <ovftrn:n«;it i» a broad j f.irco. hihl rha Mct.« of tho MiniHtry i ii C<>m<"ty oi' Ki r<»r*<. I ! Tluit thfrt' h o. <lr*?iuV in offlcia!; ( ircle9 th:it th.Mt ••drodpflpr M if triecJ j ivill pr»:a*«» a fiz;ile. ;nul thn« ex]K»»e.j •someth"ing v«ry ii ueh worse tnan | any'.r.dmi:iittration ever <Tī<l before i P * vV;: ' f i ! Tlmt the hought aiul! paid for hv a coimuiny of nativei&| 8o:ni lime ago for $3000 v and if the j p-op->*t'd »ale ivr iu pr*?sent &lif'ged proprietorB'tak<Ē! p'.aee, the rourt« wi'! be kept br.:»y about \t. That the Lunntic Asylum will »oon receive a convoy of military invincibles. -

! That ,4 Basir is a geniu» in logic; Ih one plaee he pays we are about 15 desirable a p»BBessien as a moa* quito in Augiiat. and furtber on be 9ays weoefrt*py a poft*iti<m of ever increa|unK siratßftio i<nportano». !