Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 430, 12 April 1892 — "Desiring" the Monarchy. [ARTICLE]

"Desiring" the Monarchy.

In the politioal oolumn of the April numl>er of the u Friend" we find the following: "We wish to put our.-elves on record as earnestly desiring the present continuance of the Monarchy. It is probable that the government will ultimatelv become republican. The nalion is not yet ripe for that. It would, under present eoeial conditions. be probably disaBtrouB. What is most needed just now is for the Queen to inspire pul»lie confidence jn herself bv putti«ig away certffin ad visers of ill -repute, and putting bersejf-under the guidance of men in whom thc puUlie jiil have eonfidence.' v There is mueh truth and sonie error in the above, and nlthough Ka Lko might iiOt agree with the Si Frieiid" as to the ex:*ct set of men who should be nominated as the Queen's guide iu the interestB of the eommon people. We could agree that they should be men of elean live«, and of at least £verage eoeinl and commercial morality, and business capacity* The kk Friend" by ite caustic criticism of certain periods in the lile of the lat3 King invites, nay more, challenges comparisom witli his succsfsor, and we have no hesita* lion in saying that although the pre%ent Queen may he tbe pet and patron of the congregational crecl. and mav give to pehool and church thousandH to maintain herself in the good graces of th dsc whose gummy fingers the eoin wili 'fi'lter; her pri\'iite life must PuflVr! bv drawmg attention thereto in thei way outlined by the "Pneml.'' | Miserable, hall • spoken platitu»le! eueh as the ~F rieud" deals in are | unworthy o£ a journai <]c voteti t the elevation of our moral ,and eial life; but the ' ' ■'mo'• le«s feels that the puddle is tuo odorous to Btir up with the journalistic probe, and so it is. ; In tbe meanūme the country * 4 not ripe" for republicanism or any j other "ism" whieh meane deceney ) and honeei administration, but :t ■ i8 4< ripe" for traveliing on in the 6&me old rut of royal stately ex tr&yagance and jobbery and corraption and the rule of a royal panenu.