Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 431, 13 April 1892 — THE FUTORE OF HAWAII. [ARTICLE]


**The fature of Hawaii liee wiih the United Statee. The natires are on the »»d to near extinction. In a generaHon more there will not be enoaeh left to manlain tMr Kingdom. Then the United Statee, being the nalion neareet and moet direbtlvintereeted wiU take eontrol. The Hawaiiane deeire anne*ation even nwr."—•MoēeH, Siaaon t March 24.1892. We quote the above paragraph ae giyrng in briefthe fhture of Hawaii, nnleee the Qneen shonld by £aith be bleeeed like Sarah, and, throogh the promiee to the righteous, this nation of unbelievera ehould change their ways, accept the new oondition of obedience and faith, when the will become as the sands of the seashore a vist and prosperous people. Will they ? Ask Sereno.