Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 431, 13 April 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


Thāi the C<Okelor Onnil of| Ccislom. Aod Port Smnr«jor, will j be m4t es»offioemmh&n of Uml Bowrd of Htalth, to avold btiag qot»nUiMd iahioii. tte Boord m iiol Roiog to Crtbhotho C«Mca Hoom aoy more aft»rthi«. Tboi tho imblic ii ok«Bid to loam from a P. C. Ad?eMNr oor* roēpo»d«nt that Iho Qom k>vm Lir l«to hrother. īt woaid lako a Rntt doaJ more Unan tho bare ao»! •*rt4oo to oonrinoo Uie brothtr of tht fact if htw«rtalirJ

Tfeata eh«ap »tioiulaiii ha hkd fcr i» «mt» »tŌMM Kanw lUI Coflw 8«looa, er»ry ev«iii« Tb*t par* anllmiW mt»r awMi* «Md >od b®Md «ouM b» w*eopo«tate»t wttk phiUwtiaplir a«d ok«itT Uia» om oap of ooOm *»dtwo»ll9««irfbf«U. tt*M*«iiftiuaUj ««>•; -po*tdHte» M«* w»bM «B»ī w)Moltw»»kaMratlM(lMWM4»k«ntoth» Q«mb'» Ho*pit«LTlMt wa* tb» W«r bow U|otM|MiM in IIM p*pan tfc»t L»no WM 4»0d.. : ;That ripo» Um wupi»jM»at rf»o BiMß]r UU» lund» »» iwUo» »pr», t)M, eUjr)M»fc»Mi4«lt*frMof kwbst »ow, ainoe UM%y fcroo lui» baon l»it«lr f»doo»d| Mbk«r{« ai* g»ttin« aof» oomnudt :

; That tbe dredft» is bonMd the Boatbm winter, and no visifcors are alk>wed on board, ex« cept tbe Bulletiii report6r«.

i That tbe lette* tigoed Io X«m* oriam inth© P. C. Adverti«er will commend itaeU to the reader.

I That it wouldi be more cOnslstent witb true chartty to give a whole 3 cent loaf and a mifg oLcoffee for five eenU than two alioea of bread and a tbimi>leful of coffee, whieh they propose to give under the head of charity. Ladies, don f t be picayunis»h, but make a good Thata<»rtain new Bedgedme»ber of tbe Boaid of Eealtfa aued Ue authority b|jr exdainiiiig "I represent Uie Qmen." Horr&b!

That the Board of Healih shoald study th« Uvra of oOmeauilmi, and they may not be so dead ia eamest in iojaring the oomm&oe pf the Port. They are 6imply henp» ing blunder on blunder.

i That the legal profession ia about to establish a law trust, where elieiiU wiirbo perved at the Bar. That Messrs. Neumann, Foster and a coinmittee to prepare a plan of orga iization. This organization U e\idently, for the purjpoee of countemcting the W. C. T. U. eheap coffee trust.

| That the sum of five hundred doilars per head should be charged for eaeh Agiatic thet eomei into Hawaii — >pUn fbUowed by oUw and more able countri«B to eompele with Chineee. j " • i : V | Thftt Wilaon'a Spye are » eon* (lommu mob aooordinf lo orThmtoa , • ide*. Tke amn» tJeha, «ome oI |wboni ai* ioeladod in tho namber, hvm doM weil hr them«elTee. and ki reported m enkniHi* waK** «lana • ■■ Tha*«H Int«r>l«laad 8m Cap. .Uim «m 10 h» *a4e tMoomr SM«bM U>| do|M traM to kiMi» ' Th«t tko Bpgr D«puiaM«t £ImtrocKni r>t knedud o«t br • «wliml frftsd &OMMit d* dni knMTlfct Um by Um atna«r £ambMt of fiv» Kaaiiiwl CUmm wml Japuwee fcr «Im UadofUMt> birth,tob*iW wiO»Mtidhctk»bT

''' - ~' |Hj \āmW :SSSsg'?s^iB aad i&māi&m «tei4itea. paommos TO H<me pommm 7. Wee«e6i(mr eiwoenieNl iC o*r Kke rfee, 3(2 < WOdL> lfllMMBG0» '®te» J&oSld- %ft'f?flrtfWt||lj|'' .-mW. iHipKi pjr .;vHppp.. .♦ - ; .•.''. PiaT~(3<)VKKaMKM'I 8, We d<gtr» » mew »>* »fafewr »it|>ffrti<p el li» p^ toM jww leml lmwf«6eslß <el * peWte a*lw» SMALL FAEIC!NG AKD BOMB : fīipteaī^; li Uo& h»v« hitherto pf*veatedth* 6wM&pBMB! Q<«Biad«(Mdnl€iui thepnblk laads hn« bsm acqiāi**d aad hav«s b*m Ued op Ui fev hA»dB or parc&lied to Bait fovontee, aad «aai tarmer* and plantora have \ma «lrhr*s 9ttt by eorpor»tīt)i>«or eoaitestk«s «I e«ī«iu!»t8; bat «a »m«Il £»rinl)is īh co»> iucive to Uie stat>iltt* o( ihe Stißte/'ft shonld pe eiteoora«eed bv a new *»cH more liberal Homest«Bd aet, bv wheh the ownewhip of amall tavcte ol iaad and ,the eßUteßtte«it th«reon oliaailke e! onr preeent popnlailoii.— \y of th» mtive H&9ftiu»siB who have been toh s4ewßt lie»*» to Owpeeon*» try-shouid be f«defed Tfc tbat ead. the Oowaaaal aad Owa ia»de, (ia sofar aeea&he donewith&«* iaiBlB« naMHri|kli) Md bedsw> ed aa seoa ae poegibte heimailmil». el taxee §SfTm3m km3?** «mH at eaee, eo iar tb aa^

KI<BOtOSAL RXBGT* wmHh. tbe rtght tovcte for fiote «i «tBM reprNtalaDvM, ind no non pwm should be HeonMtotl» li«notolthe rkh »an than lo the hallot of tho poor maa. Tho diserimlii«tkm ia favwr of wealth now mari« in ocr CcHißttt«tlon ia cmnrary to all the prißcip4«B of riglit and Jnetice, aa«l ma«t MibMtib* «d. To tl«is end, we wiU lavt>r * tevel* ing of tho pFesent <lietinction of wvalth pd elaw» whieh blemkh our - lawe with rwpect of the ri«rht to vote fbr noblee, thereby reetoring to the p«tive Hawailana privileg«s whieh pertain tt» tl»em lti their o«*a roantry, and of whkh they have beea aaiactiv d«prived. INTKRNAL IMPKOVEMENTB 12 We favor the expenditare ol a«AcksotmM to secare a namber of moM pnUie improvementB « Oihi ial other labmdai «hool. railreads and harbora aad whama, p«bHc light, a&d alao a thoro««h «yatmi of icwvulaw «td wate* wqrki,pot«dy latßoMkeiQ v b«t

PUBUCB«VAi?TB, e. Betterlawaaiio«ld regalatethe Ct. ▼U Bervke. Ika pftedpie of tlie «iar* tkm ot officere of tbe wemmaml +$ mam be alkwed * feald mi wh&A aaterioa «m«er«««iAMQiatteat«baM«i. fMXBOBKNI TOTHE LABOOUHQ nl—m, ■hil wIHk wfit SKir , «l W^Wa!! iMorwhite )aber. We ehaa ateo, tl*f»t«e*ettl» Mk maWHiau ol tfet p<w, aA fer mm l&eml mm&km olHw<r napmM kwMoliw»