Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 433, 15 April 1892 — Judge Dole's Decision. [ARTICLE]

Judge Dole's Decision.

The ehiiieno mcrcl)aiifBhave be»ti x»n the 'jV.i t.'"« hoping that Judge I)olcVdgoif4ion wonld sustain the arguu)cnts of tneir e'ounael and that nn ōrder for a few thouB;md morc Chinese eoolie» eouki go on to China by the outgoing u Zambesi." Meßsrs. Hartwcll and Castle do--Borve cvery credlt for the way jin whieh they got their big feet on t|ie Hawaiian Constitution and Bquafl|hed it down and jumped on it a<id characterized it — though largc!y the work of thcir ewn hands—as a thing of thrcds and patches. It is weii iiKisters; and tho working clrtss wiil not forget your hert>i( v elToi?ts in the intorests of eoolieū-HU. Tho

v, iv in wiueh two hi r e».l advocaleB of unrestr:ctcd Ciiincße couid be :I;ttinir abovit t!ie law

! oii'eo ;;nxiuiiz?;y iji\( i \ūnu£ **w:int j uo vo«.-iliiiik tho vortiict wili oe ? ' j 1) > y<v.i'think' I)aic wili ren<l- | :v verdict bcfore tUe Z;uubet;i i io::vee ? lookeil as if thc wcJg»it of ilie retaiiier wouHl be consi(ler;vbly a«g!iienteil if the Hartwfell r,:jil C;ib ti« tumiber twelves had unnii?takI ab!v gon«? tiirough the Had they becn enabled to guaraatee to the representatlves of the six ehiiio eompaniea that it woukl be safe U nd an order for 10,0()0 coolies, as oe Hawaiim con»titu* ti<jfi no longer offered .1 barrier, Jiln»re w»>uld have l>«en rt joic- | in ('hinat")v;n I>ut tiie f;;ct ! !viuuirs that tho C ! tulion U S!;1J eapaeio*.;?- l» ■;.hol«! twcnty - uve cv..Tit.'» .vort;i o:' V of-triKst st<?ak. ; i'. ! t':i? C!iiii':|e ieo. :io cr»n eom i») .1!! tl:;> *>■» ■— l liK* V.'liro <)f ! 'l ■ I —3ii pav:ucnt * f a s::i;r 1 ;uiii jas ].£• ''.in Ik» <.a ' forU>JJ ;:e wi;l (•••uie. i Thi.4 (iuenion a vari :tv. <it «#;ir.;r.i >;K'<. , ia:!v < tlx*;' in- ! <i isiriai■ci: , .?6-*s, c:.«?-of u'.iieh ii t::at 'bc B ani o: 11-aUIi ean m.'Uimliae. | oiK' of the most i:ai>ortaitt proviJ Bi.ms of the Constit;uian. TJio Uoanl • oi'llea!th are rc!»po!is:ble f»rt iw ilandinjjof these Chineae and no ione else. In not permitting.the [prop< r ofUcer? to exanane the d:\ss--1 i)ort9 in question, it assu:ned fundtions altosether outside of itf rocognizod «phere, amP viewing t\ve wh<»le Burrou!idirgs the puhlie ian o»!y arrive at one of tw© opinie»? th« motives whirh aotuated the liftarvl of H«alth ih thift particulsr matter; either it lftiew thut its action \rouid let loose n number of Chineso who, had m> right by law to entf>r, or it did not. It does not meet ihe case to plead that v he Uw provides a pmuU? for lilcgal entry; fcr tht Board is w*ll awart thftt the s«ntimei\t of the public is fbr Chinese ezolusion. The Board of Heaith in this a« ia ita more receot foliv of useiessly dftaining fmr&aient cffieers, haa proired it#elf inoaimpeleni aad a

a m«naco to the tbe aad they wo®*> wmoe&l aoi they eottid condude witb It to migti. The busme»i of the publk wouM probably be in 4 1#«« <langer by e«tr«Bting th? whole control to one mnn ot iefifce and <*sTi>erienee and travel, and officer Re?noid* could fill t!ie bill. Tho H >ard of Heallh will bo very v]!flerept insti* tuW(i it shall ceaso to m eonstituted at royis f p!.;'usi;re by <xmrt tDadies. - ;