Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 433, 15 April 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


.v. C'r-. : .x\s "a •« poiaiin Uis ptos<..■ i;11•>:i <>i *;;<»■ wh«> nn»re .bf.m& :-.;n :r.to vh-j oouutry CJ»tr:irv : Thnt .ii:v a Ui'inpl t » lo>?en the *;fi'Ct9 <A tho ]«uuisht»en: ci* ihe, Chine«Q gui!:y :i ;J pu-j r.:«hevl for an to \v.to . the country *vithout pa-sjiortf», will | to ,furth»»r r.voi«l#ince of the» l;:w, aml a ūW:r.g of tho couiUrv | nrit|i ehenp eoolie lhbor.

That a govt»rnmentuworkci o» a ten-cent !nbor pinn i» not fit toexiit. amlthe sooner ii i% change<l the bet|ei tor the peupli» of 41» country. That Leno Pejer h«s gont to that bourn<» *heu<* m tmei«r rt* tqrn#. Hi» fanerajl was « prlv«t» That the X r «mbfirB of tb* Jsr h*>w» all kitted ihe! "blftrnty %U»m u is wjr tvMent by itli« lom of Mr 2itt)t <*peechn m jfonf ifedtiM t«* m

■ b©tter healtlu / i; v; rcoeiving mtm thsm rt ;6rst;i*fctrltf^^ ;the;ifc^ called afooi he |^eaelwd the delus(# f bai| Uoame after4U. ::: Thiit Matfc<Km i8 *4eeted repr*s«B« tati?e for the distrlot oT lillo &nd the i«st nowbo(»f

b"anker bit gone in to test the «ueoe«B of oyster caHare in the K!i|gdoii3. Hope h« wiU he m succe9»fal In tt»enew iadostr]r as he was ia eoin cuUure. That a new bank i® reported &s one of the in*tHntkms of the fature, but its est&blishment -«11 depends on the appointoaent of ita intiator at thd hemd of the finanne« of the 1 f Kingdom. Very clever, very c!ever, bv jcvc!

1 nat I}i!Kmf;mm , s cmbrio Bank l|will he starte<l!as soon as Wilcox has eatabltBhe<l tho ~ī\es¥ order of things, with Wa£ner's numlre<l Shermana.

That Hon. C, Burnit wil! be sent on a ur'ss:on to Tahiti, probably to !f.nili»t men for tht? Hawaiian as every here is ttirn:nft repuhliean. | i That T Vhite of |tho \V';»t<T \V"or!:«. wa» huretea the 'S«*th?.r <!:ty. Tho oM pipe :«? being :repairei, and īhe peop'e of Kaka* !:;i:o 4 :n l makai »;dc ofQueen \riwl \v'il h:ivt* a frc?ii s\'pply ot !i!ie c!c.ir -park!i:ng :* sitl.