Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 434, 18 April 1892 — THE GAMBLING SPIRIT OF THE AGE. [ARTICLE]


Thcn ii bat ooe fru!t of K»mbling in all Ha form«. and that Ss tt»r« 4iMMer. Of the prevalenoe of pemiddaB habit the Pall Ma& fcas something to say that is portinent and timely. It asserts that the betting men on the turf are, at the worst, but poor rogaM in oomparison with the gigantic operators who have chosen the world's ezchanges for their sphere of action; and any examination of the subject will ifully bear out the stateaient. It says it is no doubt unpleasant to contcuiplate thc eonversion of the stock exchange of the world intoi gigantic gaming houses. Ini the case of the race*. moral reA>rm i ers propose to put tiiem down j but no one would the abolition of thc stock cxchangcj Nevertheless, it i«» tending xnore and more to become the gambling center of the world. The Gazettē says in all seriousnesB that <4 no other rival ean for a moment be compared to it for extent, for oon4 venienoe, for temptation, for the magnitude of its operatioas, or, it may be added, for the wholeaale deoeption whieh bas oome to be re» eogtii«ed in many quarters as one of the legitimate tricks of trade. Monaoo is but a poor country beside this gigantic substitute īn whieh men gamble with all the produce of the world. The ievia4 than plungers' of the turf are but ii)fants couipareil ,with the wJio corucr the harvests o£ a eoiH ttnsnt, ;md starve a province irt , urdt«r to īuake a aniart dtal in 'luturcs.' : V Returp.ing again to the suu:mer as «n illustrative iigure. th(i (i'tu\itc thinks that the best thing| about the horse racing as a mode of gauibiitig is that tho mischief it does is coufined to the gamblers. i It is far other\vise with the gamblers of theßourse. Beferring to| the fact that a famous coreerer, whoee exploits had made light dear in every workmad's house in Paris a whole winter through, had eOmmitted suicide in a bankers parlor it add?ithat unfortunatley the en-l tire brotherhood of cornerers did ne® follow hisexam|>le. They go 00, it aays, makiag dear by turn» light, food, drtiik, and dothing. They gamble in the neoeeaaiiee of lile, and all mnikini pays their forfeitB.—SeUctod.