Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 434, 18 April 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That the bald*be«ded chiid of fren*v who Ul*]/ retaru«d fron ai globe trotting tour, did nol briag back a bank in feit waiei accordiog to hw expeeialioai. Hk own reoord as a mimster had help•d«ofdr to diteradii the oountry abroad, that eapiial woold not trual itaelf in Buch habd* t to tha •xtont Taat St iis hard)y tp ba i*grettod that th« eommunH? it

not to be cursed bf a «abjeetion to capital in the hands of a frensied crank. That Hawaii anziottaly awaits the news from the Coast, to learn how the report of the M iand-hag" barricade foolery aoected thee€forta of our looal eiekera aller e*pital ln that market. Two they will not rtpetvt i.«nt That the Mly ButteOa ists as the thinneiit apdogy fbr a newspaper. That an ugly raadal !s afioat coneermsg the " ,ln the Attorney-GeneraTs OSfee. of al«te proeecuUon for liquor seUittg*-«* KanaL the fery fresh imd wry kat mcumbent of said ofgce may expeet to be«f more of this matter before ; he is hiueh older. That the decision of tne Court ln the election matter is a virtual admisaion thati tbe Hawaiian noble voters have been disfraivchised; but with a coraplaceur*y not to have been expected from cefrtain of the judges, the Court \ *s ignored the constitutional right of the native Hawaiian to have niachinery Bupplied hv whieh he ean vote intelligently, and has given stamp c»f approval to pretended legifelUion. whieh s abverts constitutional guar ant*es. This merely emphatises the necessity | for early and radical reform in the judictary. It must eome, and oome sp»jedtiy, by whatever meane ehall be found essential tothat end. ] That the Bulletin admits that Mr. Buah is quite right when it ao strongly reprobates injuatiee to Hawaiiana in the eleetl«i law. That when | one of our loeal Spartan mothers recently dragged her long-geared, |lately marrkd son from a Fort Btreet Gambling dive } at high noon, there wene certain spiritual manifestations in and t about f he _room, whose can»e jias , lately been explained. The a noble irappinjB" thfii occurring are said to have produced the crowding under the card-table of two youthful scions of | inissipnary farail>es, now employeil in poaitions of trnst in misBion?ry houses, who were I rtin to oover Jn thoSe narrow quar« ters by dread|of tueeting the eagle eye of the invader. v