Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 434, 18 April 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]


PRUiCIPLB OT OOVKESMEST AMP OOMBTITOTIO2I . 1. W. <Mt tbM «11 •hoaMlMlauM «b Um pHnUn o< liliM*. aad Vratmily; «• hoM Ihalall Ma m« bMm tawMd«%Ml Mn A»hw ari >n writowl «tik M«MMbto H«M* «olil», toHkMtar, to ww» to um i«nk «t i --rr'- -- Ml to 11W pinii|MlM oil>»| UMUMI wMjth,—j»JMi !£££?££ U*M ttMt )wt (MWMMai wtMt tqr tho«MMMtWtho P«opts, oa4«kot, «hoa lt bOOOMM a«coa»ir ImUm p«b> Ue ««itu«, tMgr m*jt obo!W> uU. iMM« «a<iMMbHoh MOM«dMMtt«(M oad oqattobto «jr«toM; aad. .«• Um m. •mt Osootiti;tiaa U tho Howoiiu Kb«doa» Bor«rboohad tbo« W towl oIUm >»»»1», bat»M MtobH«d«J br ißtlMidati«a aad InM Jbr tbo knA «( « Mitote ehm, Umnlom, •» «nw Um •iwUoa of a •*« aad om ÜbM«l CMt> Mhalwo, to tr<ajly iww »O«)TMOMiat *tb»F«O|M, jbr tIM I

• MONUPOLIE» 6. We «hall um oar *(M* ta ōIM» Ufrs hy whUih nl| i<ivorHisro |u tmneat and all tnonopolie«« ii<ivite9M to «|wcial i-Ukwa t h*U .b» rrawkred impOM»U:)« t by fuit, ud ma»datorv itatot«». FEOTECTION TO HOME D»~ DUHTRIES 7. We tn in (āvor of eneoßsasing &i; hmM ainenllm iod ia4aetriee, ««Nl ōnf lUm riee, ki, ■wool* to£&cco? Qsc. hi piQĪAeted | 7u»W - LiOC AL BSLF-OOVEBHMKHT $. V«<yniinere Uher«l petieyt©wāribtk*dm*mtUMĒ4»i &* M'**?4m>o«toidectŌāb*; th«y «hooia tv tfc*^»bi§cr' BMMICTO ler tb dtevblepwtfli tMr »• w»rces nd tl» aMMi crf M w»atB. la feei, th« piineiple of leepl v Mf-pv«niMit Md h» MeaM* whereby giviag locftiitteeißay cboo«e tite moBl imporlaiit of tiMr loeal officers, and levy taxe« ior th« parpoee lonal imimwemeale of a p«bjic aal«rē. BMALL FAEMXNG AKO HOMS *TEAI>B. 10. The w«ftlthy £ractla«i ol our pofmlar Uon have iiiti»«rto prrv«i)U9i! tlte devehp» meiil of an independeat elaea of eitīrens; t!ie pnhlie landā r httve beeu acqnlred and have been ti«t' up in a lew hands or t>arcellt*i to suit favontes, and emal iarmere and pUntere have been <lrivfn »at by eori>omtionB or a«r.hinr,tiosB ol I «rapital»ts: hut as ninall f*rniin;ris eonj inoive totlie ftahtlitv of tiieStsite,}t Khoukl pe *ufouragt*i bv a new atūl more )ibt ral Homei?tead act, hv wheh tl»e ownerHhin of sni«ll tr»ct* of Und and tlie s6ttfement thoreon of familiir of our present popalation,—and eepeeiaH »y of the native Hawaiians who havo heen left ahneet homeleBB in tbereeouß-> try-«hoald be rendere<l po6a*ble. T© thatead, the Crewa Unda.(in ao.lar aaeaa be<tonewi&©at invadtmc ve«tedrfehte ) ahoald \*6m* fwe e£ toxes It Bhoald be the fnrther atm ot g9vera®»t at oaee, eo lar imptove the meaaael l(«Merlrtioa t -4oeal v aelioa» e! āM tō previde, hi «Utike^triet8 tfiaipßiswofceav«f--ing the p. jdnct of the eoil to m*gkx& KLECT(MSUL KIHUT* 11.. We hold that aarigirtaa4 hmmi aianhood« and not the MwaeKea ef fixed, ehoaM eeaa*> Uie rightto vote for nohlea aewellae representattves, aad no BM>re power ! *hould he areorded to the ballotof the { rit*h mw than to ihe balk>t of thc I P«>r man. The discriminati€»n in favor I of wealth now tnarie in our Com«titution { • i *i>nii»rv to all tho etern>«t principtes I ofrivht ai»«® aiui ninpt !*• ah(4ish<hl. To this eml, wi* wtll favor a )e\*el* j in* of the presout disti(K-tlotrof wee.lth | and i'la***-* whiea our iawa with re»pe*-t of th« right to w»te for n«hles, therebv re»t<inns to tlie native Hawaiians prtvile|(es «hieh pertain tu tl»em in their own roH«trr, ana of whieh they have be»n un)iwtlv tiepriveil. IXI£HN.\L IMPROVEMENTB 12 We favor the expendit<U9 of ?Bf&* cieat snms to secare t aniaber of ieeM pahlie improvementa onOahe aad etlier lakads; eehool, raUraads aad harbore aad whame, pahlie litht, and aieo a thereoBb syatem ol rcearvair* aad Iriaada. PU&UC BSRVA»m «. BetlerlawetlMmid iegaleletfae CSvilBwiee. The prfawijple el tiw wiae» el tta qiiiiinpniit twt> or wpntmmi e(tten ehoßahad. wiAnwiom umnum aksfi aB aawe advoeate h«u& ta* whieh will brl^H^ato 1 a <L rataeas aad wHli Hee Hawa iaaor whHe faO»er. We dhaM theiatireet oltke baMer piiKaiaa el the poer t aA iar aaars HhewU seiif tna el their peeperty freai larced «k ea «t £rsas aeiaarc ia beakrapt«y