Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 435, 19 April 1892 — CURE FOR CANCER. [ARTICLE]


Honolulu, March 24 >I, Ueorse Campton, c&i penter t have hēeii a rei<ientd of t he»«e £or the la*t 14 year«. Inthe year 1891 I 8«f--fereii from i*ancer in tlie leg, aml through the a«lvive of a frieml l ha«t Mr, Lowell to t«eeit. I suffere«l the most excrnciaiing pain anel ha* confined to rgy hed for weeka, when Mr Lowei eaw me and toW me he thoaght he coald cure it,and to my atter aBtoni«hinent, iu one monih from the time; Mr. Lowell fir«t eaw it it W&8 cured« lt is now near!y three months «inee and haa aU the appeanuMM of a eomplele cnre. in Ihree weeka from the Ume Mr. Lowell flrsl aaw-me I was able lo feo aboot my dUBineee. Any one deeiring fnrther information cfja eall en me at S6 King ot.