Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 435, 19 April 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]


rRINCirLE oV <H>VEKSMENT AND CUfSBTiTUTIOS . 1. We deem tnat «U Oowmmenl ehould he loanded ou the principl<fB Llberty, Equality and Fratemitv; we hold that a)l xnen are boru free and «qtiai before the law and are endowed with ina]ieuable rights to life, to libertv, ta propertp, to the pontuit of happineM and to Beif-protection against arbitrarv ooncentration | of power, irresponsible weahh» and unfair con»pg|ition. lieve that joct fovernment exicts ōaly bv the consoat ol the Poople. and that« when it beeomea necemry !or th« pub» lie welfare, they may abo)ish existing torma a»id eetabliBh more advanta|eoos aad eqaitable ty«tem; and, as the p«e•ent Con>titntion ofthe Hawaiian Kiaf» doea never has had theappro*al olihe Peopk», bot waa estab)Med bv iaUaOdation and fikad for the beaefit ol a oartain Hm.iilwnlon, we fa*or the edop*fe» o< * aew aiia«tUMCoß» ftitatton, to traly iwm 'a Owmwmi i *irtfee*eepleaad>rtbi " -!• • l wwēim*' im»rxKDßic<or miewmi «. Ort«lw—lrlwr«tiwi tertfc»i»fc«w ***->* «*«*» w WO&'iaiopMiMw» 4tāmi fc wam trwfWMpii (nm mkmlul «Hk *• OiM Ma «l 'AmHm, "•••'* WM«r mm* jddic|uby »xfou« «ad (M••( kwaliwn MmIIMWMMMM «t rnniitttntln»it iiiaiamiiia <CtlUSe!iSam ol f »ūh ■ !

5. We «hall we - 1&W0 by wkkk *ll <»ve?&let» lm th»|p> : «m«MHI aml all pMaapaike, lv«sa|«aiii ; ijtfvikge« to sg*d*t' eiaee*» ehaU h* readen»d impoMilU*, by iall, <toflntto and ma**!atQrv aMM. PBOTKCnON TO HOME DU»TOE« 7. W#araia-tevor of«oeo«n|ia| iH tw» ttgruashi»« a»d m&mUcwa> amāaA «n uiiw $redB£t» ( IHm» liw, VMi. U&aeeo, «te. fee IHNI iwtw6d 6y r«gaistiMi $ . ■ «»i «!•» H «a«l W tfee da*y 41 os*» to ta4 «yit <ye»» 8. Vr*ēa&rn*wßmmmmZ dcmi.o«seidee<OaJra; tli*v «iieii& i!*» mo&e?*Wlftm&m&ipiß«ateftl»ei*' ce~ aosire6fl lte ■■Kiitointitii «I f*nir waaia. ln f*ct, the piteclpte elkwai, ofte«r«»' *Bd kvy tmi : fm tNnmrt>om» Iml imj?rove&Eiaats «I apatoe aa&oe. BMALL FABMIHQ AJīD HOMB 10. Ttee v««lthy fractiG» ci oarpMd»> U<m bave hitberto prevwitod tb« <£miW. fßeatefaaisMtepeiK!6&teiaee o£dtiaezte ; the paWie laadb l»ve haea acqairoii ao4 have baa tiad ap ia a few h»»ds «r parrellad to eoit lavontes ( aaa aaial larmeF» and - l»ate« hava bean diivw Mit by corpomtione or cn»)l»a»tkm« of easitaliets; but aa mail faronrrqriB ca!i< h\ci\e to the ?tabilitv ot the Staie. it ehoald pe eucoarag«>d bv a i»ew aud raore libesai Heßiestead act. bv wh<ot theownerehip of nmall tracta of Undl and the eHUeaieni thereon ©I oi onr preseut popalatk>n.--and @speciaii ly oi the a«Uve Hawaiiaaa vrho hava been lelt al»est homeleea in thereem» trv-4hoald be rooderad aoaaOile. Tt> that end. tbe Qoveramo&t aad Oo«m |aad», (in aofar aaeaa be *looe withe«t i&vad(ag v@*ted rigfcts } d»aakl ba<krva#> adjia eo<m pogeible hnaaaNaa^. fme ef taxee for*a*lraiited pana^ 9 " 1 It ahonki be the lartfctßg awa āt 'naaeHi. ■®BBt to» at oaee, aa far bnprov« tka all tha diotnete, ehaap eaeaae eoa**?ing the prodact al tbe eoli ta narM. FXECTOBALRIHQT. wealOi. arbitrarUy «M» itiftit n!iißti ther%httovote for mMm repre9entaUvea t and ao MH pow shoold be accorded to the ba9at ol tka neh, mia than to the balk4 ol the pooi «aan. The di*cTĪmin*tjon ia finor of weahh aow made ia otir Coastitatieß ia contrary U> all the eteraal pHaeiplaa of right and jaßtkse, aad maat healwnah* ed. Tothis ead, at> wtlliavara level» ing oI the preeeat d»*tincrton ol waaHh and elaaaee whkh hlemiah oar hm with respect. of the rigbt to vote iar noblea T thereby reetoriag to tha aatSva Hawaiiaaa privilecea whkh aeHaia to them in their owa coantry % am of whkh thay have been Baicstlv da«rivad. _ OTER2JAL IMi>ROVEM£NTB 12 We fakvor the expettdiiare of saS* dent aaiaa toaecare a aamha» al needed paWfc iapc«fvaaaaßta oaOaha aad eUwr lriaada; iM, raiiroada aad harbara pahli» h^aadekaa PUBUC 8E» VAOTS. 6w BaHer lawaahaahi ragaiat» the Q* vtt«arriea. tl» ptfa«|pla al the aaiauminiiaiiial * MmAmM h* mM ■! a| nonenoHiom lAaoouM «rS> te«r<«kil» kkw. W. Ml aIM, Ib «iMMihli kMMr p*M«M «I -• "7'| T I|MIJTIi |_ lT^