Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 436, 20 April 1892 — The English Budget. [ARTICLE]

The English Budget.

We <juote the following. seeiningly insigiiifieant telegram. from the R. F. Fxaminer, of April loth. 'l iie message in dated trom Loiulon. two days previous, whieh roads as f»l--]<>ws: "In presentinK the in the House <»f Comnions, to-day, Ctoschen sai«l that Rōod fortur.e aeain permitted him to suhii)it a budj;et showing a surplus 0f.C1,007,<XK>. In the last budget the es-! timate of < xiM'nditure was too large.; and they liad a surplus therefroui of .e^aeiooo." We print the foregoing with a | view to show our incouiing I>egislature, the needs of the hour — retrenchment during the fall and coatraction of all values and 6f the resources of the country. These figures goes to prove, that a government, well managed ean oe administered to advantnge withīn the limits of its revcnue, and to even have an eAess over receipts, notwithstanding the extra necessi' ty of large out lays for the main - i tcnanse of an army and nav v on a ( war footing, as is tho ease witii Great. 6ritam. | We cannot sēc why the Ilawai-1 ian government is calle<l upon to ( <'ontinually increas<' her debt f»)r ihe purpose of meeting the ordina- j ry expenses for the maintenance of' its ofiicials and for keeping up the 1 works !iecessary lor the goo<l of tht | country. 1 We have l>efore the example j of ttvo prosperous g«»vernments—-a! limited and aii elective monarehv — both conducted 011 Uhera' and popular principlef: the f«>ru:er iliustrated in the British and the latter in the Araerican government. These two Btriking examples needs only to be studied. bv our government officials, in order to ter»ch ihem how to manage the AfTairs of Hawaii eeonomieall v, and to the best advantage politicallv and eocially. witbout heaping up a debt iu an inbiduous nianner as is done at preaent by little loans, and by posta! savings accumulations, whieh does more harm than crood. W-