Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 438, 22 April 1892 — CURE FOR CANCER. [ARTICLE]


Hooolulu. Martrh 24 im. I, George Camptoe, cmpmUr t h*re bm a recOe&td of th*§e islasds lor the lat»t 14 yean>. Ia tbe year 1801 I eoffered from caneerin theieg,a* A 'l throogh ihe advice of a frien*i I ha«l Mr» Umell to seeit. I saSere<l the rooBt esemdaling pain ati<l;haA confined to my bed for weeks t wlien Mr Lowei sawm@ ae<l U4d nae he thoaght he ooatd cnre it, aod to my atter aHoaishment, in one aoath from the time Mr. LoweU firet aaw it it was enred. lt is now nearfy three mmUia einee &nd iu»all iheappeanaeai of a compW»te core. In three weeke brom the tixae Mr. Loweli first eaw »e I was abie to go abmt nfda«ia«». Any one deriring hurthar iaionaaiiea e&a eali on me at 36 Ktog Bt.