Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 580, 10 November 1892 — GOOD MORNING.! [ARTICLE]


• We onee more enter the arena of Englislx journaMsm. Circumstances have arisen, whieh owing i to the . , muzzled existence"of our coteiiiporaries, again necessitate the reopening of our former Engiish columns. Our course as formerly will be marked by fearlessness and independence. Our columns, as heretofore, will not bare the ear mark of any clique, nor be under any one's concrol. —-■ The PlatfOi mof t"he i;ibefai Partv,repre?ents our Dolitical policv. Politics will be our paramount is-1 sue. A small space will be allotted to correspondence, we, however, assutning ho responsibil:ty for ruatter pub]ished as such. Unswayed maliee, uninfluenc;,ed bv the lures of Mammon, untrammeled joUrnalism wiil be o'tr eniding pHneiple. 1 |