Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 581, 11 November 1892 — Heard on the Quiet! [ARTICLE]

Heard on the Quiet!

How about thal lee house buttei in red labelled ha]f-pound thiE ? The great minority is fully rebresented in the present ministrv. Some one whispered that thc country is being Baved on tne '87 pnneiple. Ten to one, that a Hawaiian will not be given a shcw at the Treasury Dopartment. Expert LCoountant6 are re&ping a rich harvest at Aliiolani Hall. Incoaapetent ex-heads of departments should foot the hill. Let's send to Boston for a finajicier to install in the He£rstrar ol Account's o(Ece. Sunday eehool teachers ar« looming up fv»r soft government billets. T. Evans> follows genial Paul up to the coast How ii dope ? "Well, d«clor. how about the eahinel ? . Ul riKhi! How »bout Wil* •on, <ioctor? HeYBo4id. We had to th« bargain" a Jont wav Oo| ey«B are beg to open.