Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume VIII, Number 26, 25 December 1886 — Serpents in Hawaii. [ARTICLE]

Serpents in Hawaii.

Onr TV€ekly contomporary in i!s j»uo o£ io-duy cnlig]itouH (ho l>y saymg: " Tho p.)liticaī eonaiilon of H.wan

prttty well lenewn. If cvon īt w.'!v ■v,\ d:u tho PftTO3iso of tho r-v A i!lc, it is now tr.o\v-i that llierc is'a pif ttv largo sorpont hoo." Wo agree %vith our loanK'd sjh! coīitcmp(\raiy—vos ; little Hawaii ls:is o!tcn fell ilie gti»g of that .•v-vj ont. Kot o! one. but of nutvv l\vilva-hie;Kl'ād ropUloī. Bat ean t«-day bei-so!f wUU īlio t|»ct tlmt slio is no !ongor the pi-ey of the i-opti!o oieiueui tknt slto is j\t last fwo, a»«l raoans to iemajiu so.

St,jJl Nnt Hai>l>y. I lt an o!d and afamiliarsaying- < That' whom tha Gods destroy, th#y fi:rst make mad- ' Tna thought eomes 1;S vte writft, and \vo asu- ourselves tho queslion : Do<jS thft rjuctation apply to Jlawnii ? Our an«'.ser eniHli(ll}Ms, t!iat Yo aomo extcnt it ilo*.!?. Hera at homo, jf \yo knew it, \ve are tlie happie.sl people in the worid. \Vc are not iifliete(l with mtfny thin"gs that- greater nationsi ave. Our faws are justly ftdministercd. Wehave nolabor sU'ikes, ourincc.hBr.ics and laboror« havo plenty of work, und receive as lugh wages for thcir labor ay ariywhero in the world. We have no indigent beggars or paupers to support. j Oui taxajLion, l of one percent., is mueh Mess than it is in any country thaL we know of. Our exports eTCeed by 50 per cent. our imports. Tho son does not ahino on a fiuer climate. Htill we aro not happy; aud why ? lJoes the above quotation apply to jn?i or_are \ve t_ho ppjtcfiiL cre&Vian_of an and oannot appreciate tho blessintrft r>f a kinri nrf>Viiip.nr.fl. —