Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume VIII, Number 27, 1 January 1887 — THE HAWAIIAN LOAN. Colonel [Illegible] that it has been [Illegible] [ARTICLE]


Colonel [Illegible] that it has been [Illegible]

Yist<Vnv (!*k. \\. lum\ llu' tlu;uH'ial ag«>njl of liio Iluwwi iiiUi wh«» \y;is .lopuK-il ln , l.> iho v_!,^ ()(K) V 000 Inau, in'nun-v| a s\> ; poiti*r th;it ilio ir;ms:uMiuu h;«a l.o<-u i'oMM'lel'-iU iio iho i ĪUli: vahlo ; ! LO\-{min, ī>*H'< i nu»ov 17. lBSi\ (\, \\\ -l;u;x-, Hok!. (\ t l ; H,; ,».!«»* ' «».*.!«■ <■> >l;ij\. .\il • U\jf--.|>-' - i?>it:j;" l.iii». 5-. . !>«;§«';;.! ;i»'>>in.', ->i\;!ntj\!. S:«., k K\!";in :>! J»M:inHjun, MUV, ] *j | S\ \i>;t \-rr. j •?!;." I.v:n L.. Pj u U\ C> 1 , t!u'| Uiiik

.oiKwik», \wth J3a:-ing Bros., fioatod tho.h> ,t CliiUe,sc loan of $10,009.000. ; Co:. that on llio |',! 1 Uj " l ''• 3ii ,, ->■> to fricnds of ytiu : )it> liihl ~roooivt)cl oongi«v inl-i?o.y cal>;<.'-r:uns a;id tolcj.;i'ams (.."Hilon, CMr..sgov r and \Vasliingtoii. -i :,..indlo pi tlH>m lay ou liis tal>lo. . •

Tho uewH, wi.ll bo forwardea to līo- ' iiplnm _lp-(i;Ly en Uul -KioamHhip ZeaiaiKlia. A c:rcilit for $300,000, ilio firsi iusial]ineufc of tlae loan, will also l.p. fovwunl t d- 011 Iho steaiiior. The n(!goliations woro inanagetl by Col. Macfarlane by eab'lo. In connec-tion witli tliis»Col. Maeliii'laiie : ,? l The loan is- riot ■any v«ay .mtagouistic to Amorican inloi'osts in tlio ihlauila. noi-wa&ii, inff>ml(„j at any linio. It is simply to benefit ilio KingJom." Thc finanoial ap;ent liolcls a life ,seal in tlie Hawaiian Legiylature, anel is creuitctl wilh* liaving enginoorcd tlie loan act t]irough tliat liody." Ho W beon as.sistcd in placiu« tl»o loan by Mr. Arm4rony; a merober of tlie syndieate of London Ciipitalists. Tt is H:L!d that Chms Spreckels met Mossr.-,. Anubliong andsMaefarlano in couc/]ave luM'u, somo timo ago, Aml agrc(>d lo reccivc from Uie syiulic-ato pay»uint of Uio HawAiiau boud.s he lio!ds, in go!il, as Uieloan was fioatcd, a,-i weil as liis open account of iōii.OOO.OOO, wliieh was beariii*s Q per cont. inlcrost. H i.s aUo ri aid tbat for tiio sitko of in the Kalakaua oami>, AiJiist,rong and Macftirlanc oii(:red S])rocliols hin ehoiee of thc abovo pi , op.ositions, or to tako-an inU»rest in tho tp the oxtcnt >jf li.nil theboiidriho tlicnhold,amount,i.ng io $500.000. Mr. SprockelH sailed for Honolulu and v/a«, fol}awcd a woek Jator by 00l Macfarlane. Mr. triod to iiulueo tlie turo to rcpoa} tlie Englifili loai\ und iicco]>t, wbat lio dooiuod a better one. 'i'ho latic,r \vus refused by tho Klng aud atyj foiloued <iu) stormy intervie\V between Mr. H])rofkoi« ,vnd tho Iving, the returning vi tho foriin.r's dc.'.':or;Ltioiiß, and tlio ] !>ittcr fp]>osition oi' Mv, ftpreckels to i Uio pl.icing of tho .linglisli loan. Col Maciarlanc was sliortly afte'r gaz(jtte'd ,by the Kyig as fm?ncial agent of thc H;1 waiiiin Govovnment to negotiate a lo;m. and liis Iwo reeent visits to tbis c:iy have bccn foy iho puq)Ose of hiiiio lf in cal)le eommmiieation wit!i Loudon. to onublo liini to : pi'ompt!y i\mng'.: with tlie syndicate tl)o doi-vils and tenns underwhicli the loan sliould bo Hoated. -*S. F. CtiU, I)ee. 18.