Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume IX, Number 2, 30 July 1887 — WHAT SAYS HAWAII, [Illegible] LANAI and HAUAI? [ARTICLE]


We wouid be pl©asp>fflo from our readers <■ .-ma-i T^.ands what their opinion» are of ouri><? ■ platform, and also of the manner ijj we intend to conduct- tlie Elel-£ lu the coming election. Ths idea i! -Mirely ours. We know it will be popil ir iu Oahu, and hope it will be 011 Elk nther Islands. Tt ought tō be a pleft?i-re to the people of the vairious ī#>W'ds to havo the privilege of electing aīl their officers, such as Judges. Sherifts Tax Assessors and CoHectors, Eoad P iper, visors, etc. This is what the I lele advocates, as well as striking cn.t the " propertv qualification clause" i i the new Constitntion.