Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 11, 28 September 1889 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Oūr contemporary, the Bulletin, name out frankly and fairly last week on the franchise queation, bāt"its views cf the matter will hardly meet the wants and demands of the masses.

Wi asked every friend of the pccr canso to tnbscribe for the Elele; your aitt is needcd to help ub pav the extra expeiise oi issuing the paper itt both Hawaiian anā Bnglish. If you wiah to keep posted on both the native and foreign sides oi Hawaiian pplitics, Bubacribe for and read the Euu. -

Th* lab*r question by_ the force of the circumatanceis made the living iasue of the day in Hawaii. Thia is very small wealth lias b_-en alloted thoB« who have dohe more or IeRS to prodnce the cftpital of the conntry and very great ▼eaHh is h«ld by tho8« who hafe done little or notlring peraoaalljr to produce it. We 'shail spcak of this

WB>Kr r ER the people fiud that the g©Ternmeat ieao ruu thf wit allowe oee elaM ii tho country to thri7e at the eipenne of the majority ; they may be sure it is not in accord with either political law or natural law, but comes from the ▼iolaiion uf oneorbothof Iheee. The cure for our troub!es is, therefore, for the people wlio work to gain atrength firflt, and afterward to give the kiogdom good and just lawa whieh will right theee *TOBgS. • :. .