Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 22, 14 December 1889 — SAFER, SURER, STRONGER! [ARTICLE]


For the past seven or eifiht yearB tlie tiiu es have been ripening ior a uiovementi iu the interests of the workiDgi!i'.;u an'l mechanios and iij fact the entire frco labor elenieuU of the kingdom. At first the voice of labor \vas raised iu idle protest against tl.e tyrauuy of combiued eapital jn the hauds c<f tLō plauters, who h;id introduced the same sv«t< m of glave labqr here ns waa early introdueed into Saiu6a by of the same ilk. The Bamoan systcm h;is beeu justly and »evei'ely ecathed by U. S. Comniiiisiouer But6:i in lus repoi't to the eecretaiy of state. The Hawaiian systeni wouhl be ooudeiuned in like mauuei' by any man like commissioner Batow, who believei in the dignity aud honor of labor and the equal pcilitii-a1 rigiiu u/ al) īueu.

But the first idle proteat in faTor of freu labor in Hawaii wus the starting pomt of tlie present jiioveineut, wiiieh now ahowa aueli politlca! vigor. From the firet the labor eause has received the bitter opposition of the missiouarieB and of the planter.s- the.B6 repreāciiting. tUe wealth acquirers of the kißgdom—and these āame eapitaījsts at oue tiine even went the length of combining again!it and ultimately killiug theii own miesioiiaij papf?r. the Saturday Pre,ss, because it j dared to espouse upou priaeiple the frec labor cause! The present opposilion, whieh represeuts the laboring eleuieutb of all olasses, uow stauds to the front to advoeate tUeic cause a«d ad- : vance their iuteresta. For the last teu yeare the free labor cause has growu safer, surer and strojiget uatii the voiot oS l»bor uow āe3aaud» poiitical rights for tlie people wh«re a few y 3oefot6 a simple protest was maāe aga;nst the elaumah gt«ed wul iu&ostrial and poliUeal oppueaiiiou proposed by ilie niissiouaries and the plautera.

7he present political fight is oue betweeu a 6ystem of goverument fouuded and huilileu In the iuterests of a privileged cluss of a few wealthacquirers aud a proposed systeui of goverumeut for all classes contK)]led by the free-votes of the people as a whole. Or, uarrowiug the proj>ositiou to campaign terms, tlie figh.t is oue betwecu tiie missiouary reform p«rty baeked by the planters, who wish to retain the present system of goveru ■ ment iu their own iuterest!s, aud the preseut opposition, who deii;aud that ths goverumvut be remodeled and ruu iu the iutercats of uil the peopl#> upou the piineiple thai the state ū thc creatui*e of uihu aud that every law or right delegated to the state represents a uatural right iuhereut iu mau aud preoediug a!l social orgauizatiou. The doetriue that votiug is i.ot a uatural right us a«l--vocated lately by the plous goverument uewjpaptr is a eompauiou pieee of politieul iufoimatiou weU suited to spriug from auf adorn that other abburd aud aneieut theologieal idea, that "the state is the creature of God!" Of course the governuieut puts forth this supen>titious auel loug siuee v legated politicai doctrine to oover a lauie aud haltiug iuissiou<u:y argumeut directed agaiust free vot*:s aud the politicul e juality of men, as wilhiu the lust eeutury fouuded autt iirtuly esUblbhed by seieuce aud seieutitic phtlosophy upou the phv#ioal fon-e aud uuture of iuauktud.

To i?stahlisii libyra! pnnuiplea »ud to dircot the admiuistfatiun of gove~a.'u<mt to sucli #uJs in th«people s iuu>rvst iv iUo uiUwkm of tn« |>res»»iit frw kX>or i'.nK-Jvnig (1 l<> catnv uplKwieiau—stundiug lriuly (c>rward «« Uiv K|>reseutative o! no j>:ivilcgt .1 ciii!»s, i>ut iu tke iuWrvsts of all. llie oppositiou dcxss uot propos<* to iujujv the plaiuiug mterests 0 f tke kiugdom, but ha* dewmm*d tliut the jiov«umout aliall bo no lou*or !un "luio>t soMy 111 tho mtornst or thi» privi-! n ;il '■ t'»us «Wit»l>l<> jx>l:tioitl ««'ul | t.-«. «.uuu i'Ph»»!»'.! ;:iY \vti s. i. r. i - ;ki ni.il Miv!.£u h liiv.\> iM*. io c««i.tnt'.u . .«1' • MU-.\ i '.V! J tH.lfN>iU( li at oi;.- [V >ut- ' u, i.t l .>t .stuwss jmer..ls !t;o * , > , U i piiiliUM 1!! l\..or' *' ! 1 t'" > -l.\ UI t u , „;t.\ : I L. I « .V, «11 o; H, iū i, , .• «-!.« O. t„v pirtu - n-v\.;l U.iiiU'i f,»r Ul>Hi<f ,'U 1 A- : iwuu of Maji. -\S« kuow tlte ptwwut j

meu v arid }«.r|y area» rotten as ean be, lul it is our mtorc!st to <,npp u tham l:ec use we caunot l:k,ly o„mrol tl,e uew op, o ß ,iio i gov, ru mei>t. 1 iuui.lly tht, hau.e p.,liti, aī d>,ot ine Ljs ei.n ale.\ expi vb h«d,byltf»ieeo-«streer su Jly aj» fullo\sa. <W, lla . S t r'onci)i ft to tli.ntuivea and beat t'.ie whlie ii'h-aL.' Oenilemen, pleaser u , C eml) er thatahu« ! , U v t ,y lu divi mal o f ths "wmto iiffruff' is a. iaeitibei' of oue of tho labor organizatibuB of ihe y„siuon «nd th,'.t 6ach md\vidual repre,e.it jU , t t ,o inu.iy pounds of physical foree back of his v„tiny ri e lit !

Evcry offo« oi tho.miasiointry "jeform party ,no*A bi ing us«d to divule the oppo iuto factions: t!iisisin facttljeonly .ohshce the goverh". m.-ut has for btatmg thi poople , m iKui>lu: U . Tue eftect so far hiis betn to drive the organizations of the iuto el se un v, and to make tho entire mpvtment .\f- 1, b nroi and st-roiiger. But this i» nofc euougli, lor uow every po6sible dcmurrer an l objōati m will be persistemly maeie to tho oppositiou ]Jfttfoi'm wilh, tht design of scarm K iimid <t , iev.mi ing the wavering from jomin,< the peo ( >lc'- uni!»Every mombor of tho oppoillion is idn ady on his guard, but his jjorsonf;l iudustiy and 111Auenee mußt 1«; daily used to fui tj.«ri sti u K tk«.i the good oauso as electiou diVy .ippron.li ■- ,every man remember that "fre3*Vot .n all" ifteans g<>od goyernment for ai. n hea the volfing. rigbt is -oneo 'to tīltT pēōplo appliealion thereof will uc t o-i]f 5 thclaBhing of class interests, !bu(. will mt iut uu h just balanc« between thoui by admji.i~t ing political justice in a manner ittprejani iuipos>il>le ufcider,.o.ur vicipus syßtom of giv©rainont. as representod by four men coutrol:s(l in the int«iI ej-ts of the weulth-acquirmg eiaaie^'