Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 25, 4 January 1890 — HAWAIIAN INDEPENDENCE. [ARTICLE]


Since the traitoi-ous trea,y fia.su. :> the -eform i> .cty, as represeuted by the v :;\mily compnct" ji» wippai>er ana "ths existing admiaistration," pfirsisteully loud-jaouthed in regard U the independeuce of Hp.waii. On« of li» i. mivted politicul facta of -o day is that no 1 • vtsHigent, responsible oitizen putāde of " reforia'' i.! Īieve3 the professious of the&e politicai «n* igiotis arch-hypocrites. lli-. L. A. Thtustoi», m xoj for the preseut, īr miaisLer of the intei.lor, 6 ; ijns to be " ehoek full" of " independence " i triotism—if judged by 1 \'.s> speeches in the disi• ct clubs ! The gOTej;n.nent newsp&per en--r-"w«-Wr; Vtf?ws.' Eoth editor &4d - Thurston belong to ihe "īamily eoaipaei." >;s is ncf de.ued. It eauuol be. Botli St~. inrfcton a:id said newspaper <4ditor tre hacd iu, i ■ ~>ib finaniāally as well as politicaily. They dar» i tbe otlienvise Tmtil acraing pa'iūeal mortgagefc i ituve. Ir. Tiew ot this polit!cal kīnsh ; p w* p blish beiow the ut;erances of tte mlii;stdr of ♦ s inie iei- on December 30, 1889, at the »eeti gof disirict fltb No. 3, aud the 4Lh articU o£ t! 6 proposed treaty as acknowiedgei! and emI i ss?2ed by Mr. L. A. Thursion aud tae mia'»Uts on October 3, 1889: Ai4ticle 4.—ln oraer N'ow , ihe »■! «wnre_to tlie Hawai- ot tV.3 uouciry is a ,eai i Islands the tranijuīl der uoiut wi'h ae. Whea t d consta»r enjoyment I speak of '•heme" Ido t the adv»nt.ijres whieh not look ,oss th« w*ter t.. uip to them uuder ex- ior tnāt pla. e. I belon£ *' ititr treaty relatlous here, all my iii ertst> >re I . ween tbe two ooun- heie. For onr gener*i aud to <>r jtect the wy f\auly has lired , t«iliar iiiterests of the ihe e, aod I houe Ui*t ' . aited Statesof Āmerica]:uev will Kve he« for ī: the Uawaiiau Islands. jfour ioager i ■- Umunl St-ates hereby nu a tive #jidsudeneii.4eat ; ;.fcl*ntce positively and !eount. L. A. <.i icfteiously to &i«ferfīcj» t - peif L et iudepeidenceu' <. b Hwiluhl t d autonomy ofthe Ha- i)..-, 80, ls3y. \ iimii Governraent ina l ! i ; :dominious aud i>sj of sovereijjjntY 1 <">er sneh domimons, * *> d the Hawaiian Gov-1 ■ V'nmeiu as an equivalent ] f r suoh gttarautee and i. order to enahle tlie 1 l oi(ed sjtates thus tol i. .arantee the sovere ; jju-1 tv and indeper<denee of| iuwan efifteaciously and 1 - " : — v'HIHHU da\ij.vr of eow-1 liO*tions other ■ p,<wers that no tieaties. I cmveuuotts or agi-«e-1 i - it> ;i',l X>e iiejjoiia > t 'l or made helween I ttiiw:sn *vui any otber j om vr iv*enta;e or i! v >,t*iont ihe f»H kuo"Al-i e lg« «r thfr <3* *w#ftwdt} i i tUe l >uiwi i īt \W l eU G<»a lat bidj i tae indejvnde«ee and! t >vereii»ty or «he ;ran- • vml, admiuw.trMkm uf] H.< Hawaiian Gv>ver«m. oi ?.)iou!d bo thrvatend < u i« i»srreed *hat the toive . < f the Vtii;ed States msy > s«eh ao-1 t,oii *a the tetritorie<s of j Uji\\]aU;is «uy tx.< mv«-; si;y i>f the iu ' (i - wiiKien,-». : *4~r inist *-»tioii ot th«i r; \v;si,.m t\overiiiuinit,— , * #?„. ' * « «« i-s ; M th«s p.uut ihe *iU •> < 'o hwud Uw wviirki»s use& \iu »» *hL»W£h «» «u.iw^ (i.- a t;»« ,"owu <wtwafcmu, $vsat«. . !.mvi . • M-.( m-u <x\ <s,s£ tke vvr v>.w vvf umust«r» Uk> At V»dce- ,>r a i.wiu \\V sUS« o* »U*t thrv<e tiw '"ci:sUa® nd- -- oi vrki<)h Uh< Mioiī&e »v tbe »a»»fhpi*e*, hw> N ."iwwawi ml i*f. īal powwr of *' «r[»y frvva tin> aUow Mr H. A, ?. 1 - ii» if svvs<ābye* !. . >:y vK->. sh.i iW vō !* -*v. >:**.- H*r .<*h >v<« '>< kow"" y vV* * i. »n-.i " ;hiv t*ot s iSstyt« ••1 -v*s.vī, K«»t tW *v->>lsv m. r>»a.V S i! T> ,i ; ?U£T£t* '-> s5 *<uttta.snut. >a Wx« *u4*«MtuQ} -