Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 43, 7 June 1890 — HOTCH POTCH. [ARTICLE]


Tl4e Emperor or Germany was probably uctlng in good faith in oalluiL; u oougress q{ the Uutionii t,. cjusi(lc.; v'u;vt o inl i be «loae iu the vray i»f ligliteaiug ;burden of the European laborer. 'l'iiew oan be no donbt thiit it \vus the growing power of Qerman s6cialiam wiiieli oaused tlie lai - perial brain to give the subject a momenl'a thought. Howeyer, Oei'inan sociālism is now confroated with qtsite anotacr kind pf rēcognition from tlmt beatowed upon it by tlie In Germany the Cutliolic aml Protestuut in ordinary tiines, r.re rival factie>QSj but just now they hnve agreed to unite iu! a crnsade against their eommou easffiy; āoeial- j is!ii. The hinhopa of both (jhurches are exho4ing the diocesaa clergy to "suppresa the rnpi.llv gtowins socialistic movement." This ia a large job to Uekle, as times go ( aud recalls the case of a London aldertaau who aniiouuced, from his newly acquired judguient seat, his firm deteiuiiuaiion to put down suicide. It i» unnecessary, however, to insĪM tU;u the golden age of bigotry has passfed, aud th*t tlie German bishops have ua lqug^ A at command those nieana whioh enaWe,d Gaiaphes to effect the physuppr(«siou of socialism's great teacher.

i Snfflcient to remark that the spii-itual aims of the cburches are inupli the same as tliey weie j eiglit«en huudred years ago. Ōn one great poiiil 1' ouv religious sects displuy 110 less uuauituity thau <lid the Pliarisees and S.iddu<!tes of okl, aithough iunivi<iual exoeptions crop «p now i;ml then of a j live niiiu trj ing to stir up the dry bouesof the mouey at-auy-price riag of profcssors who are the eleet— that is, the elected to run the churcU aud dictate the auiount of sermqn-pressur«), to quite a receiit date the CLrt>liHU rcligion has been so eorcfully aup ( ,d vuiied by iHgaardianj that the igno um maltūude wuh theūj eyes Well uigh hhudc-d by Uw dust of old superstitions, had iicver a eh;uKs i,, Wk upou U L face. X!hws- } naimy lay iu tu t gr ip of uuroes vrho j a»isTe|»reseat«d its lorui ua<l iWtui-es, iaid spoke !ofh as * sl eepy, fat, ooutc-uud Tt>i:y babe, wiūu I all the while it a uorvo:ii ra-lical ii;fautgiaut ! stroggiing to t>e five, th,t it iuigh; w.uk i aud l>e bolioldeu of iusu. ®

It smus that Jap - 4U .a u * st.i.ig dowu »teAv«īīy , > lu..»g u> U, WUU !jiur iWimLiuoi) o.i 1,.;,. U, wl t a>w Up Uie unUve ~:uv as it wc-:v- aud ;a . \ , v , u .k loi tue K sto wuik ut sugM u u,. V u.»u, ite atteution to tLv „.,d poses that pl.\ U «luaiU*.! to pr»ot;co ou vhju«| viih otbw- Uwiguvi>«, Well, ii* » pvwr iuK' tluu bv>tl> \\ays, aiKl-il' I, AS :k u;iut U> drivcu Wli!s A visv, 1 C,;u"t (Uloi\l lo Ki l iudtftliv u; to tuv who asks ouly a iiuartcr foi u K>\ ,u | Tlie Adbertbtr **}•* '-but il» veiy >» »*i\« īn ti» JVix»rt ilkvu\l ol l]ti4lu;> *gamst souie of tlu- thvy I hA\v thro*u v>a tuv , U.v i 1 tud t ut«itsl uiu> i\>>ut u u w ,;i. tj, t j - , ~„a J ' sa*»*iw* uiuVr •■>u?i* v vw " I

M* >1 w»vWKva u,u ul% oui;\ I\> Uw .U(h«M| tK Viow,»»i.t l uaie «„> i'w lft HW\ :.A\, %t, ', , V. \Mv A» ulio , , K u 1." ****>• N *• n>hmi tuat \wX; «thisrai-r • v>u Uw v«tt vf - *u „■ . t v v A t!l< W iī< '■ t\ > ; , »»*,,» - i -, -s.— , „ • . *' l 4 '* AiAwM. t.U W ,K>. lv u 4 svi* IH» Ur>iM»uj >» •, i'.»>. \ *» S4wm>uws iK' v\«!y )s • ; \ ;> , ;a,u hAt4 > s t*«*H tIH > 4< l{ , „ u H 4 w

St»nley had no soouer avrivecV iu Ijoj3doii from tbe U«rk Continent an.l iooked up the barbor who dyes bi« Laiv a goldeu hue, theii he took the train for Siimlnn.g.u.!im iii.oixler lo .Aop at the feot of the rnnceo! \Yales. ■ Au iuteiview belw«eu StaT»ley Mie roynl Wale.s uiust be a pitiable \Vbut of interest on an African ciplorer bave for tbo woru-out prince ol p!easure, a niin whom girlti no lougL-r deligiit. Tlie meeting i» a l) iiideFous faree, iJayccl foV the purpose of eual'!ing_tlie ilhiati'ateil p*ipers to yw»« the Priucc as a kiud of seeoiicMiau>l explorer liim>ielf; Iu abo%t ftnother mail or two we eLiII geta "graphic" pi c - Ua-e oi "Tlie l*riiice of Walea discoverii»g H. M. S tley at S,i iniriuyhau3,". represeu tiug the keii »pp.irent as listeni U g t„ tl.e greft buccaueer's acconut of how he Bhot fifty niggers beft.re bveakfflBt,-

ThequeBtion of amsementa : has receutly been broiigM out prominont!y, and the de K ree of Propriety in iadulgiug iu S uch pa B time is a proper subject for <Jebate. Buseball is m itself, an inno<wutj aud healthy .recreatiou, but whea it i s made t.ie vebicle for bettiug hull heeomoīi surrouuded with an unruly, excitod crowd who indulge iu vaTĪoua grades of bad language, from slang to we,l f wor ds, its value iu a moral aspect weiglis Jiea.yily uii tife wron S 6 ide. Too muuy ōfTh6 rjsin!? young meu of oar firat faiailies act aa though they believed an occasional dash of pro~ fan? lauguuge was a proper spiciug to their outdoor cujoyiueut.

refer enccs to our Kiagde.ni whieh Bla hy tbe g e utloman f,om miaoh aud other membei-s in the House c f ]iepresentatives reu.ii+dK me of the p;-overb, "Solfihne« B aiway» defj"U '^ 1 /'" Wh(JU the ot those iblands co DS anted to - Jjin tl>at hu K e B wi lu He „ Sl Z' r Trust ' everyo 53 e but tliems Q lves saw J oiuill g the rtihcu!lv euoei-u. they wero =»JWiug «eii for puvpose.-i.of thoir own>ee<l whieh w.is to bving about their. owii rniu. Hurdly hsd onr shrewd wen. eutered Hjivetueyer & Co.'s tlmu they fouud ihemselves trapj).!;l; iu fuct ii. Wi'.a like a swartu ol fiies b'au.lly drawn by a temptiug baīt. walkiug iu£b a ■nge spider s we'o. Tue uiisfortune.is that tha co ns equence S oī tlie sug4r ui.m'a gread doe, uot. endwith himself, if it did vve.mīgt:look upou it with some degree of oonsolution that it aerved; biu> right; but every iutorcst ontside af SU gar dr.iwn iutq ths votes. ml thn Kiug lom haa suffere,l a set-l.ack by «ur rapreseut:itive meu liaviag aefw«tly .vbrayeJ themselvos iu oppo.sitiou th« nQO<»st interests of tae Ama.iM paoplo, whieh ifc will Uke yeurs of perseveriug «®>it—with our sugar men in M tkc.xo*k M\ ky to oarr;'cL A I>AWN.