Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 45, 21 June 1890 — THE NEW MINISTRY. [ARTICLE]


Tha' Nalional licform p.M'ty lius ful filled its pledge uiade to tho countrv b«fore elcction. It jm« giveti us « MhnBtry representntivo ofttie interesta of the Kingdoni iisa wholenr;d strictly without cjioss di«tinctions. To affirtir tUnt tlio 'uew Mi!iißtry ia iicceptnbl« and sati.sfactory t<> i\ h\vge inajority of our oloctors is to stute the ex ict trut!i To point out that the Minifitiy wHI be critici§ed and opposed by u few. e■Jiipfly extremists and politici<u)S broug,ht t« the £rojit through revolutio!iiay tuet(S' ures, is to dr«w atteiition to-a fact that W st»lf evident aud upt unoxpected. The heai elemenls of the King<l&ui will end >r.se tl»e Ministry, Uueaiu.e it is conservative ajjd, therefore, a safe one to entrust,with the busiuess and |>oHcv of the nution. None deny the pwmal capabitities of the now Minititry, tliēir patriotUm no 0110 c]ōubls, snd thair polifcical niate up is aelmii* ted Ctirly aud repr'3sent the eipressed political sei)t3nients and feelings of the general publip. It is gratifyiug to the Qlectors of Huwaii, "who bravely fought and woti against large oddg a signal political victory for col»stitutionaT goFernmont in last February, that His Majesty w«s pleas6d to Ci\?l tt]ion so b<>n«Blahd eapaole a man as Hoil. Jobtt A, Cnrntnins to form a new Ministiy. It is iuost grrttifying to tbe >ii»t)on»»J Beform party ttnd the IndepeniJent olement of HawHirtlmt the Honorable Nohle ae lected bas perforined his h»}'d task iij a raanner and spirit wliieh will tend Mrgely to heal tho di»s«nsīons and dissatiSfactious caused by tho extrēroe measures and policy of the' lāie Reforin party, ana to plaee tht Govern ■ raent aud Kingdom niiou tbe highway of political p»ace and prosperity in late yoars uuknown. The victory of the people is unparalleled in th«'hiatory of Hawaii: the GoTerumeut h»fi been takeo from the hajldff auel froir> under the coutrol aud dictation of political clique, koeial faction and class combination and entrust'ed to a Ministry that will beyond doubt t hon estly and justly carry out the liberal viewB, broad principles ar;d c-onsist-ent proinises of the National party, wliieh uus wisely *nd advisedy pb»ced th« new Ministry at tlie head of the Gov ernment for the benefit of the country at large. It is but right, «s the Nutional Ke form party is rosponsiblo for the new Mimstry, that a majority thereof sltould be po!iticully identifled with that party. It is i>erl;ans noedlesS to say that while His Exei j .llency Godfrey Brown is iu full S3 mpathy and aeeoill with the polioy of tbeparty meutioued, he stsnds poltticM)lv «s a Cubiaet rep' rt)»fntjit}Ye oī the im\ei}ovāmt eleeiors of the Kingdotn who joined tbeir pfotest viHh ihe pnrty ag>uust the record «nd poli<?v of the lat<i Reforin Goveniiuent. In fact it wus thiu spirit of honest iudepeudence aud indopeudent honesty wliieh eaused Miu' ister Browu to withdra\\ froui the 'Ule Cabinet shortly aft«r it6 appoiutiueut in 1887. Neither a oue-uu.u pow«r nor poliey suited Mr. Browu, whose action at that tiuie clearly proved he wjis not there to represont clique 01 fi»ctiou. In Minister Bpencer the electors feel that the Intnrior Departmeut h*a a Jiead }>eculiarly fitk'd for carrying out faithfully and successfu!ly the anlyous duties of per!iftps the most iinportant olHee in the Kingdom, while iu Attor nov-General Petorson, legal ability and i>ersonal qualifioātions havo beeu already proven to bo so jusUy uuitid and evonly balanctHlthnt thoiv ivniHĪn« not a donbt he will as sucoossfu!h ! ndoru the houd of hi s Oi' .:irttik'Ut j hs Ik' hīis heivtof v >re fillcd wiih abi!ity! a di'putyship tlHrcmidor. lt is uot. k >wevor, o :r j>tirposo to hore eutei: iuto a |>ei-SMn lt t itja!ysis of theCabinet.'

It is enough at this time to state that in becoming respousible for the new Cabiuet, tbe National Reforni party bas not only fulfilied to tho 'etter its political promise to the electors o! tha Kmgtlom at l»rge„ hut has mnelo tho fii*rtt real rnoveiuent to\vardr-; refnrm_ aiid goverJimerrt by S6ĪectiTig -a conservutive ' party Gabinet whieh the country ean endorse as rerpresenting the interests of withont the interference of ,rftce or factional prejudice. It novy rests with the Cabinet to fulfill oftr politicnl |iromises of liope «nd merit the lieaity endorsement and reception given*them by both the peoplē*andthe Legislature.