Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 47, 5 July 1890 — HOTCH POTCH. [ARTICLE]


The letter of Kep. J. K, KaUookano, of Koliulft, iu the BuUvtin of Uie 25tU, tuucliiug "That Petitiou," is a further cx3utnbutiou, or rathar eonrirmation, of >rUat we kuow of the evils of eont»act labor The "Master .and Scrvants .\cf' ghonld be at onoe wiped from our statntea. It is surprising that.men who tuM.it of ltberty ao t tlie gl9rious birthjigbt of hnmanity irrespectĪTe of polei' ean, wlien tftelr owu greed is to be fed, tolerate and even advocate a system of slarery oiily a liOle more moderate than that of the Soutii thirty years ago. Eep. Kahookano hss not attempted to paint the systesi, fior indeed conld he as a foreigner *pe it. fo him it would largely a the lot and inh«ritauoe of the laualeea native. If Mr. Kahookano were to eiplain how tVa nativea got so deeply into debt he would inaumoe that in Kohala it r&ins sometinies for a veek at a tiuie; that dnring wet seasons ehen outdoor work is «u%pended Uie shipped eian di«ws iio j»y except as a dtbi. In justice to the KoUtda planters it shouldbe said that tlūs shipping and indebtednes is to one large plautation- the "Kohala."

Oii care£ully lookilsg ove f l&at eolmuuanda balf I eisut pa«igraphs, ouly two ol wlikk dv»l with looal matters of fact. Oue i& a reciul of injustioe to tl» kidu*pped uaiivds of ihe New Hebrid«ss islamis uow &rouud Houolulu, ] tind I was wrong iu oue j>articular aud I hastvu to oorreot it. I sāid tbtj d«taiaed natiTes daily fo>r food. Ihia was txue up \o May 31st, but a d«y or tvo ajfter tbe F.t k-i v of tliat txposed ilicir couditiou, souiebody woke up, fend tliese uufoitauat€3 \rer« givea ricv nud other food; aor v«e thej-, as before, turued outof the Depot wheu the last lot of Japs occnpied it. If the abo\e is the uiisrei>reseutatiou darkly kiuted at iu the .4«rcrfcVr I euu ouly s«y tliat I foel please<l over the faci tliut tbe fliil of Uie Elelk hus uiade iueli (elt au. u.; thwk hide of sugar-wculili the s-.u»il cjttaut of doliug out food to tlieit fSiuisiiiiiiJ i.idsi;\pped BJa?os, prepar*toiy as I hopo, to seudiug tUcm houie. II Uiey h» returiitd whai a ta!o U:cy \rill hr.ve to t«a their eou»U\,meu vjf OAr<su«s* treatuiout they i\xvived iu tU« laud oi ios u.u.l olimvlies'. Wh«t ; t i\wp!ku thc\ uiav l>e exiH'Ct<Ki to n,cte oiu to tlio .Itv; lv;u4 Christiau teaehen«» vlu\ uot kuowui& ilieir c-\-p«ienc« in the ol ā>u : . the House oi. ln~ iu far oft Hawe.M, uia\ veut'.n-e uiucug thoas iu r.51 houi\-t s t v f p Hjw weH tbe K\n:..l o* t;«:n u;utuw o» isiu s»«a hjjv<risy vroul3 iv.u- iu ,* wU>iou«sy; *ith tW iuuiuw c'iur\&-«Uudi»£< the pnuoipal ;ic(oiv v dv \xu ;\io wLole«aesnd»t»it to pun.-luu*-»: Le», <he puWū? ao» supj>ose iust oue smli * J ■ peo|4e ( who «Wx}U be i*t«med, arc !u Uouolu'.u.! I tk»t «u> Fiwhc.udl>i;;iJij OMuiwknieM' (uader tW of Ooveruu\euts I ufck:*Lv.i* t;;? X«* H*V.»d<k ' Unds * n!ivw twi; th\»uiVut uw! te c\\lWt tu«*c ;VV4»W. i U o!",\ to iujv V ;:x- tlis; the k \ >.a\« t j 1 oef> xiui iutciVi.Uk; » -w w i*Ww«kst tc au, S\av» wvitWtt t3u i. w Uv*ts .\J N: « 3LU4»ule« 1 s. 0*.., .. ' duStou ot iuj st*iciat n. tlu»t u.<iul\r» e; i r i»re wceiT«\t «lc*3«s cf 1 ' sir.c< vheiī f:vu; jbc v\,,i. . The leeiH bu« tīutt «ecius. u>' be * a>«iv«itk>a «meu* :*« fsuu;.y ac«* ' -e vr. .s. L.u- ( : 0 b<4\» au-ui of <lt*{ 4. v ,wVm h\ x " W kwfc-juw»u.. :v u\ piv v e ' tl»»i *xi o. ti.r *j jisw»\iwttt u> Otr linp of 'SvibJ<; MuVtcj. I, ; n. *U »vot « tW kW. j C«4<KBI»K Ot t.< H to otvwc t Xo* «vtKH\At *x V* i^|

oti "? r P t,o P l ?'' i aad if oue ja^ £a by Uke attraction the occupation has $ojp iim—ta e*id®u«ed S>j tlifi jay it aS©riia « hw - ooluinae with eolteeted garbage—he iaa>.sp tq liave Btract a iirh vein; that is, if he ewa lp«- V tie ū uniil tite prnrieacjp of a Paul Pqr #&&U iu ioeal cieniiind. t the indications are * p»hlic »re nqt prepared to ky ijare*ttSlīīn«tHfe ~ ol e*ery uu.mber of the late C&binet or ite prpdkIf .ihe sea4<inl ny)nger oi iuāsts on getting up an index iiT ? the new roie he has he wiH find it a bigger job than he has reckoned usxui,a»d l ean prociise him more 'copy' in thatJine tJu» J • heli care to print. - -*;ījgr" . - A