Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 50, 26 July 1890 — HAWAIIANS IN UTAH. [ARTICLE]


It »ppenrs that several Hawaiians— especiajly young woui^n —hiive been ; alUueel frora their honiea to settle iu ! Ui-ili, only to fin<l ont by bitfcer expe|rience that the fractional parfc of a [lniKlmiul in the land <ī)f saints pre- | olndes t!ie. possibilitjf ol a» earthly I paraclist\' Moat? of these peoplo h:ul beeu wameil beforehitml ; uikl therefove H-epreBentotive.Ka.nl) i -aays the\- should l»e left where they are. However this may be', a prōper <juestion is what shoiili.l be ilouo to protcefc'these siajple people froiu the oily ganiinoi} of the in \vay of fiu'thev einigration. There are iuany coutitvies in īJurope where. the Moinion Ehler ia allowe<l to pro.selytii v aint ofehera wheie pnblie opinion appliee a called fcar auil featliers; for it is eeHaiu that the first objeet of his seareh is the female eonvert, and his oily tongue xicver $o happily employed as wlieu them. Uulike his j tho \vl\o looW to the future world for the highest joys of the Beragli9, the ?,toytx\on Ehler belieyes ther« i\o iiine like the preseut aml i»ouuts a girl in the haiKl worth two in th<? bushj not that those iu tLe bush n ill not,be iudustriously angled i:pr as well, and it dou't raatter whether she be a wife or a daughtt>v» &>r the Momioo, as a poa«.her, is norespector o? privata pres>felves. lii this view of Ihe matter the Mormou crced May ea.ll for npeeial legislatiou here iu the States, ■ - u Ho\vevef, pending a furthor development, we suggest an anti-31ormon Hdnse'Co'ni'mitVēe, jmd Woiikl name as | uieiul>ei , s J?.cu. iU[essit;. Browu, | Parker, Orabbe Kauhi. Tlioy <artnVd el«eidate ein the distiuetive bddily feattire?> of Moruōuiseii, lor, iru>Uinee: how, iu aj shoVt fulhiesa of time the' Ehler getjs a revelatiou,'< k stYing of. theiu, him io l+ak« a new yih nniil wife uuuiber one ifinds lierself hitoheil on as th'e si\lh op eighth whoel in the u)atrin)onial eoaeh. ! ' Th(j> cownn{<oe aiiwkl be *equested to froiu | the SUtes of pietuyes ihe ]Lrue in«ard-| jUes.s>>f Mompu l|fe; owe of [shou«llK? an ' Eldyv horae| i his !>i\th wīfe, ' sl4wiug ti\e uld by\ in |lw aei o| U44votltu:ing the; NoaiWl k| veiW % tn?ijibling new eouior| īo the wi?.«»ii~fae<Hl| wife, with arms' akuulpiK looking |laggors, 4 and the| ollun- eso«u ted fivuji wives who bav«i h;ul their day in ijho front rauk, but have now to tako a baek *oa{. i