Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 51, 2 August 1890 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]


Editor ĒLELE;—- . s j The "Daily P. C. Advertiser" ofj July 31st, writ'es about Beps. Wliite and K.aulii as ind:ulging in tlieir "usu»l.vein of nonsense" in the Legislatuve, and elaims that thev audj °thers detain tlio business of the j House hv a ' 1 ehildisli display of j ' folly aud butloonery" ] | The "P. 0. A," tliiuks iīy altuek-j ! klk' aud i£au!il in sueh au indeeent inaunoi* UuU it is defending; j the peeuliar pets of tlie Keforiu Part>; j : the opium d«alers. and the swiudlers of the publio s money froui tlio siir-1 eastie, bitter aud witty Uie houoraVtle whieh is uj foal'» «rrui. j The "P. t\ Avlveitisev '' and Inn inoney-l>ag fiiends uix> iuadlv 'down v»n White beeanse he iviuatked Uio House, the vttlu|r \\i\V» h- 1 ' ik»m eharged to expens.\s of " Leper Sv v ttleuient aeeouut. \\orth of eigars for the use of aeert-*un Mi|>erintendent aiul a eertain vlo-'t'iv ■ Mr, Whāo also thai »hv' | Med iu their' juukotM»tg tviui Ut Mv>h>kai. whieh nt,ido sotne vii iho h«\t|ven boru |h t> o ? t)ie " P, C. \<ivvr*ivt dauvn«*v\ tho •nn>ie v>f Ihe ihhHe. and \\htelt >.iv,tUv ..auw\l;tho iuajority of the 1 he worlvl uiovos j oa, but wltet> vute AtUv b> souwjbov\y\ (iieuvls' -

- bad eggs as well as good onea—the graainy ' is sui:e to eome to tlie rescue ; that is all right if they are wortli defending. The honorable and able gentlemen alluded to by our ueighbor (?) liave alw ays stood against the evils and follies of the defeated and demoralized ĪEleform Farty, and we have repeatedlv defeated their senile wit. When in a corner, that party has alwav s to resort for aid to its mouthpiece (" sounding brass and tinkling cimbal") the "P. C. A.'' The members of that defunct party are like untp a lot of filthy urchins, who, wlien they ' get well thrashed, roar out for tlieir mother or grandmotJ«;r, or, in this partieular case,. thei]Mbetter-informed bretliren. Hawaii Nej. Edixob Elelk .;

A correspondent in th« Advevtiser's\ issue of the 28th ult., signing himself' Knmiikanawai, givēs ns his estrcnie brāins with regard tb a new Constitution. For sublime, intense irnpotency, his stateuient that the summoning of a Constitutional Convention.>vould be L"evolutiouary cannot be exce!ed, and when it is consiilered how the present fimdamental absurdity eaine into esistonce—th rown together bv a baker's dozen or so of revohitionistrf, aud forced 011 His Majesty at the point of the bayonet, and whieh was concoived in sin and born of violence, and whieh must now pay the penalty alloted to iniquity—such a statement deserves severe coudenination.

The ]S;ition;il Reforijj Party will not wreck the "Ship of Btate," but wiil warp it fr6iu the shallows created by fche few, iiavīgate it into safe \viitertv whore it eao flont and saiJ ou with fuir bret zes au au eveu keel.

'•S!.i)tr, si:c*ond thought," is wUat Hawaii ! w;siits, ;siid auything stutetl to tlii. eoiitraiy is au uuraitigated lie, aud a weak device of the euetuy." Wh;it we waut is a n«w luatruait;iit, promulgated in the cleux, glorious light of iviiveVi»ai »utirage, and wa Y» ; iigei- Ku ; .,akaiuivvai the price of au old iiat tbat the H®sajan aborfcion of Jnly 6, 1887, 'ii val tp such a vot&, will be "snowed under' sq utterly tbat tke bla;dug guug of mauy planei» will never thaw it out.

I lay uo olairos to bo called Patriot, ull I deaii"e, as a plain buaineiss man, is to porform ix;y duties ns a citLz6ii and pres©rvo to a generoua raee equal rights and.privileges with their £orsign brethren, following universal law, the highest known to Christendojn.

A Coustitution fouaded ou "ballots, uot bull§t*." is what the couutrj' demands. and the "Ship of State" mauued and sailed by the people, aud uot by & haudful of meieenaries. I say to the National Iteform Party the words addressed by Ameriea*s sweetest singer to the "Ship df State:" ou, nor fear to bre&at thc sea, Our baarte, our Lopea, are ail with tt»e{ Our lieai-U, our hopen, oi\i our t««rs, Our faitb triumpta»i our foare, 4»» «U wilh thee, are &il with thee.** MAGNI CHAIVrA, '! Honohilii, Juh 29,1590,