Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 51, 2 August 1890 — OUR NEW DENIZENS. [ARTICLE]


Frequently the " By Authority " notif es of soine of our favored eontemporaries make very interestiug reading. ljspeeially has this been sq for some days past. Thay. havo att'orded texts for coninients amoug men who were ignored until the Nationai liefomi party taught them that ballots at the polls in the liahds of free men \vere better th >vn bullets in the rijtes of wo\Uii-l>e auayc3nst§. Tliese sturdy, toiliug workiug inen npa preaching tho dot-trine of charity aud syiupathy as they ro«d these notieos, informiug ihe pultlie that 'ii Uas pleased His Maj«»sty the King to eonfer Letters P«itent of Denization" upon so many oiti/ens oi' our powinful neighbor and ''onimei'ei:!! friend, who are m the t»ovyrnieent omplow They are pleased to see tliat thesiD | gentlemen are adniitting the errors of tlieir \vays, anel are beeoming some wliat more eloseiv ;t!l\liuted with t!i« conntry that is lur»ishing them no\ only with a etimate,' ! und ali tlie l'im and frolie of th<> "PanuliKe of the Ptteifie,' but aUo with food, | elothing lodging. Thev are willi ing, in thexr presenl k indly dis]>osit ion ! to ahnost forget the faet th;»t in no' other eonntrv than fhis is a pei>;o|.; periuittod io enter a salaried tiovern- ; uieui positiou \vith<u«t being vitūeu , 1 *»r subjeet, »i', at tbe least, haviiig deelaml his vntention to be s\i*h, | Thev do not even e;ax> to i-enu »,I>e| tha| not so man> \ iai~s ago ii * «*ompulsory upmi aLens who o.es&v.| | lUiu privilegev to l»eeoiue Hbsol l uU K! subjeets of the Oiown and i They welei>nie tlte uew*eonftM>| who l»ave ei:.M;gh U> ' even this IHi'e right ot t:ie rospee( duo to thi.< evniulr\ , ;,nd vM\ly n\ildtv 1 sugge>t to othet,s thui th*-y havi Ih t,. ( tmt n 1 !) tvH> mueh >;p >n 1.,, ! th. they aiv pri\i!egvd to vote undei .« eoustitution tUat pla<\ •» in .m -> *k

ward predicameiit \vitliout going them correspondiiig advautages. .They eonclude witli finally f "eome in under shelter before the storm overwhelms you." . ■" . .