Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 14, 15 November 1890 — SENT A BOY. [ARTICLE]


A lady walking- a long astrsptl eame upon a little girl wheeling ai baby carriage. ''What a beautiful baby!" ex.claimed the lady as she discovered a pink face dōne up in a creani-eolored sliawl. "Whose child is it?" tlie little girl ariswered. "Oh, you meau tbat 5t ia your littlo bvotli©v or "No, I nwan that he is not my brother, but is mine—zny ehild." " You are a very young mother." "I ain't no mother." • "Then why shouldyou say that the baby the lady mischievous-

" Cause God sent it to me. . My mamnio. asked me if 1 didn't want a little baby in the house an' ī said yes, an' sbe said if I prayed for one God wou!d send it, an' then I said I would piay for a little sistei', cause I like girls better thau boys, but mainma said I'd just better pray for aii}kind that God was a mind to send, but I didn t; I prayed for a little girl, but God took an' sent a boy anyway, an' I guess it was because he didn't have anv girls on handThen I said I would pray to God to send a little girl as soon as he eould, an' it made papa laugli au' lie said I neenter put myself to any trouble on that account. : '