Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 27, 14 February 1891 — STANFORD SHAKEN UP. [ARTICLE]


Uli H«rrow K«e*pe *jrt>m ia. iew York.--TH« C»b la \% bich H* I» «Miw Conu lu OoUWion TVItU & Str««t C«r New York, Jan. 26.~Sen.ator Xfelaod Stanford eame near* Tosing his life to-day. About .10 o' eloek he and his private secretary, John B. MeGarthy, took a, cab at the Windaor Hotel and jt§tarted fgr. the Āmerioan Institute building to look over his great oonsignmeut o£ trotters from Palo Alto that will be sold at auotion. On Fifty-ninth street 4 neax Park avenue, the cab oame in eolli--Bion with a street car moving in the I opposite direction and was turned . bottom upward. The Senator and | Mr. McCarthy stood on their heads |for an instant and then found them* i seives doubied up ia the xoof of the vehicle witK tho oushioas, lap rpbeg,. . eto. ■ ■

. Mr. Stanfōxd was bleeding prolotfely izom a out in tlie left tempie, and his right arm and shoulder were mueh bruise<l. Mr,. McCarthy's nōse ■was cut and biood was dripping from a x skin \?<jpsd in his fqrefa,j:m. .The* two men crawled out moxe dead than alive, but quic]*ly deciding .that theixj injuries were not of a serious descrip-| tion, they pulled themselyeß. together| and walked to a drug store afc the cor- ! ner of Lexington avenue, where their ; wounds were dressed. Thc Senator, determiaed to see his horses, rofusod to roturn to the hotel, and another cat> was hired whieh took him and his secretary. to the InBiitute. At 7:30 P. J£. the Senator .went to ,bed, badly ahaken upbut suffering litttle pain.