Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 28, 21 February 1891 — ITALY'S NEW MINISTRY. [ARTICLE]


lU JPolftcr WIII Bt B4fomaadS«tr«uch- _ mēnt. iiome, F©b. 9.---King Humb«rt ha. s approved tke following Cabioet: D Budiui, Preinier, Minister of Foreign Affairs and ad interim- Minlster oJ Marine; Oolombo, Finance; Ni<jolers Interior : Luzzatti, Traasury; Pfcllaux tVar; Branca, Public Works and ac interim of Posts and Telegraphs Ferrais, J"usti<se; Chimiui, Agricul ture; Villarie. Mstruction. lt ia stated that a saving of 12,000 00fltlire is poawhle in th* naval esti mates. An examiqation ehews thai th« finances in the Depart ment ate in gr«ai disorder. For in stance, -while only 12,10$ *men arē afloat the eatimates made for provisions are for 17,660 men. īke Miformb, &riapi's organ, āeciftres that the Ministers «ra all al mriance with eaeh oth«r, a&d that ii is doubtful if Frsviic# has proposec eommercial arrangements with Italy. King Humbi9rt has offered Signoi Grispi a title of nobijitj. Signoj Branca, Minister of. Publiq t Works to-day gaid that the,newMinisteriai programme would deial chiefiy witl eeonomiea in public service.