Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 28, 21 February 1891 — KILLED HER FATHER. Horrible Deed of an Unnatural Daughter. [ARTICLE]


Horrible Deed of an Unnatural Daughter.

lAas«r*4 B*«fttt»e n« r Pa.ro»t *«fu»«d Uer Hlin Wlth

Blois, Feb, 7'—Tho murder of M. Saulē, a m©mbcr 'of tlie Mumeipal Co«ncil, ag©d 78, by bis youngest daughter, Sidonie, is tlie sole topic of conv6rsation in Uiia ancient axid usually qui©t ,towQ- M. Saule, althoiigh refused to maka any on his daugliter, and sbo aor Lm huabaas \vtfr* weleome guetts at liis bouse. Th« wife s«<suwd i« tak« au avemon to tli© liusl>«uid, au«l madt» bis houie IL£« ruUerable, eveii teacliing their, ckiīdreu io hak liiiu. Upo» the advice pf M. Shulo iUt> »f»cured a* divorco, aud iho <?hildren wtvre sont % order of tlie īeouTt to a eonvent. Tina artuuedall the ev»l» in Sidoni«'« uatur*j At 0 o'elook restt»rday moruing &lie wuied hei-self with a revolvei. aud goi.usj io her l&ihew'e hom« torced her wav into the room whore lie was iu bed» i Shē ABSHi!e>d him with most bitWr 1 j.mprecatious aud uufouuded yid whea he shx>v« K> ans\ver bov, «io or.. f\? willi aug«r ( audj f ravring » |>isō<l Lom auder her Aloak, fircd jxūut l'lauk at liiui. The, oall entērod his thraat, iaflictiug a, fetA } . *ou!ud, and W ri>Hed upon iho, $oor in hi« desth «gonios. Tho uu- ■ natuv.U ohild then fuvd shotafior| «hot iato lioi- fAtlu>r s Ikhlv, aud onlv • ijeas«>d wlitīu ihe wliayib^is i 4»p*y- I