Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 28, 21 February 1891 — THE TRAIN ROBBERS. Story of the Alila Stoppage Recounted. Fireman Radliff Dies of His Wounds. Shariffs' Posses in Pursuit of the Offanderi, Who Have Tou Hours Start. [ARTICLE]


Story of the Alila Stoppage Recounted.

Fireman Radliff Dies of His Wounds.

Shariffs' Posses in Pursuit of the Offanderi, Who Have Tou Hours Start.

Fresno, Feb. —The attenapt«d train robbery Q«*r Alila last night is topio of conyersation, and the opinion prevails here that the aei w&& <30QimUted by aaniē pes son« who r<ihl$4Gt «?Lpttiaa in the same vic\uitj wliīiin ihe Iast year and a lial?, Furth#r particularb concerning the occurreace we"re o'otained when the noon train arrived from the south, as Donductor 0. 3tl. Morris, who had charge of tra.in 1T last night, eame back on his run tp L*throp. EngIpeor Thorn« aud « 8ouger Hasweli te!t u at Delano. The only members of the crew of train 17 to return this morning were Conductor Morris aud 33rakoraan Langdon. ? Ponductor Morris made th« JoIlpwiug statem©nt when asked fox informatioa by a GKronick report«r: 1 'lii* jfcr*in stopped eudd64ly, «nd thinkiug «om«tUiag waa the matter with tho air brakes, X stapped off the roajr enu oi the smoker, in whieh 1 had been as the train eame to a standstifi. Wiih lantern in hand 1 %alked to the hea<l of tb« traiiv k>**ewhy It h&<! been stopp«d. Wlnl*» ou mv way th«re I thought I heaxxl sovao om> eall out 'Moma'. I -prōc«eded, aud I wheu about sorentv-fivo fe«t frotn j Ihe expt*ss <*ar 1 hearvt a wport and lsaw the Sash of a pbtoI. Tlus. t?.u. | follow®d bv fourto«n or fiftoen shots | "Th\nking that -» itli ;iiy lanwm 1 [ was too good & uu\rk !or tlio robbcni I I TraJked baek to \vhare Igot off 1 | sait meu At tho locouxoii\d. Tiio x > | w»ro. as I fouud o ut siuce tli« oagi : , firomeu, lu.-i'kom.iu Aud īwo tou , |bors. Ev*cythiug liAppuu*d vcry , «|ttieklv, aud St dou' t boacv« tiio ti\tin ( w stoppod uioro iUau tvvent,v -tivo I an v .utos. IUdtisf is at Ooi&uo, aad sbU alive wlion vro p&&»cd i ht» was c\jH.viod to die soou. Iho built>t irhich hit him ouu»rovl tu.» ; abdomeu» Messengor ILts\v*»ll slig)itlv wounded ou ū>voh< ; ul. thc buīlet gUuced otl, OiKoo. i m pursuit- iu z\l dii\vtioiis, a.ul th<Jtt» is* couaiderAblo cxcit*,netti ovo», i BMkemaa F, \V. eon- i j :

r,ection with tlxe AfEair va« «l<»er Uun he retislied. '' Wiiea tlie train stoppefi/' he eaid to a reporter, yōnt aLead and eiuunLeil tue teu<l«r on the right s*de,- When 1 got fouod a man qifihe oppoai|e side with a pisiol , who. odered ine to throw up jxxj hands. I did ao, aud 'he iaads COTne round to his side ol th® loeomotive, where I found another.stranger who was guarding the engineer and fireman. ' - "I could only form an indisiinist idea of their appearance, for it wis dark. One of them wai quite broad shonldered and of medium height. He wore an overcoat. Botlf of them had handkerchiefs tied over the upper portions of their ifaces, so that th«ir features could not be distinguished. The momeni was an excitiiigone,aD4l do not remember who shot everything occurred so quickly. The robbeps did not speak while I was there, except when one of them orderēd me to throw up my haiwlu. We asked Haewell to open the door, but he made no reply:. fiadliff fell during that. fusilade, wounded in th« ābdomen, There ia no hōpe for hig recoverj. Haswell* is only slightljr wōunded. X do not know how many robbers ihexd ~were. Iwasn't going on any investigating tour ]ust then." Quite number of friends of both the conductor and the brakeman w#re at th« depot to congratulate th#iu upon their nar?ow eeeape. The family of Radlift reaide on a, vin*yard noa? ' FresnoT" His father and mother lefi on the 2 o'eloek: traia this morning for his bedside.. He is well Inown and li ighly respeeted in this fiity,. .