Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 28, 21 February 1891 — HALL WANTS A FIGHT. He is Desirous of Meeting Fitzsimmens. Hookmakers Trying to Arrange a Mill Between the Australians for big Money. [ARTICLE]


He is Desirous of Meeting Fitzsimmens.

Hookmakers Trying to Arrange a Mill Between the Australians for big Money.

Chicago, Feb. 7.—Tlie famous Aubtralian liookmak«js, Barney Āllea Joo Hnrns, 4utt m this cily t !>&>-© 35suecl a olbafieiii:e on hehaiil oi Jim Hali of Aujstf»lia io Bob Fitz«imDions to a t finisli before an} 1reoognized athleti*j club that may be mutually agreed upoa for a pursē and a «ide bet oī $IO,QŌO, lsarquis of Queensberrj rules. A forfeit of $1000 has been deposited wifch a Chieago ne\fspaper. Messre. AUeu ' &ud Harris add: "Aa thia challenge is issued in good faith, we r!w«i.i.iuv. l fi'cr taanager will give it their īmmediate consid«ration. W* have ' cabled to Australia for Hall, who is 1 now on his way. i "Our offer will hold goōd for two weeks, whieh we consider ample tiuie to give Fitzsimmous in whioh to ma"ke up hia mind. AU arrangements ean be made with Pnrson D«vies, who is our authorized agent in the u^uuw." Parson Davies says Hall, who has a!ready defeated Fitz«in3nvins in three ronnds, is ci>nfident ]ie c;tn repeat th» >ictory. New Orle;m.s. Feb. .7,—Fstzshnmons eould not 1m j ,f<Kind to-njgnt «f--ter the notice -of the Hall was receired trom Chvi>Ag<>, b'l one of his intimaWs was coafllo ;! Hiat Bob will accept it. „ Lo«kos( tltirp<h««ttrt. Mr. Thomas Wrisit» the . well known nieehaeie ou Feb. 14, at a 500 yard range, mado tl\o followiug »core ia 10 sliota; .544545 6 5 4 4—45