Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 29, 28 February 1891 — WHY HILL WITHDREW. [ARTICLE]


Heury Wat(ar«an Polnted Out tb« Ofllj S»fe Conr»e-H( Conld S»l Beat ClcvcMnd tn the ConTeiitlon, iad t* S* Tt it the Polls Wo«ld B« Fnt«l t« Hlwc*tjr.

Baltimovo, ] ? ebruary 10th,—■-The San w'.ll te-movrow, publish a desl>atcli from "Washingtqn,. reforring tQ. the ieport that the eonelufiicnof Governor Hill of Kew York to eome to the Senate was beoau«e of a letter :written him by Hanry "Watterson last i lNovember. The ieiter"is printed in| full. In it Mr-_lYatversojl »nys th*tj outside ef the Stat,g oi New Yoi-k there is a wellnigh una.niji,i<3us'deman(i among Democrats for'tlie noininatiod of Cleveiandi to© , str9ng for parfcy leaders anil managei-s to r«sist. lf Hill sliquld some to Convention with a Jfew York. detegatioh solid against Clevelaiict"he -wouhl be overwhelmed.

"You are powerless t to. prevent/'" adds Watterson, I- but vou eau do!eaf

the election of the ticTfeii; . Tbere are I)emocrats iu every piirtof tbe XTnion, •who beli»ve v.ou (lid tfeis in, 1888, X know it to hoialae, will cling to you as long as you ß liye ( a,nd will meetyou ii\ every natiofiftl donyention,

if it be not <.lissipa,ted ; by.Boiue act ou your part great enougli to blot it out. 151 default of this, if you s have any hope of Prcsiden.cy, it wi)l. ,dofeat that. v īf you could recon&ile.ik with, y.our judguient to intike peuoe with Cleveland and take a delegJition to the National Conventi.oji' in LB9? to pat hiui in noi iinaiioa yon will s.a>e th« p»rty aud pluee yourself upon ii.n elevation yoa ean risver attain if you fail to do it. You wouki be reeeived by the country with and I <lon't see how yr»n could be kēpt out of the sūcoessicri. 1 the other hand, Bvēn if youstrcci3iedeid'ih def©ating the nominaiion *ol €WVeland. you will stand upon siriis3<T3angferoūs ground, with a stormy; before yo« ""