Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 29, 28 February 1891 — BEHRING SEA. [ARTICLE]


Ouly Oii* T*ciinl«al Polnt *#Sēf»d bjr th« l Bopr«m« Court X>ecl*lo^i,

Washington, .'Fobrttaly' 5 6th". —The doc.sion ©! th« Chief 'Juslice ōf tne Snpreme Conrt in tKe Behfing fie» ease Rffects onlv otte technical poini. It crosses ohly one of the cf6tttentio*s of th« Attorney-Greneral. *The Attor-ney-Genoral held that the I)istrict Court of Alaskif was 'a' lPerritorial Court, and th«refore a \vrit 6f pro'hibition could not run frOri the Supreme Court torestrain ita jtfdgtnents. The Supreme Cour"t deeided that as ! this Court had'jurisdictiōn'iiā admiralty cases. it was properly a Districl 6 <iuestKijft, whether a -wr5t' of prohibition. could | be issu»d 6r not could be heard in the Supreme Court. This questicHii I tonches none of the issue ih" tlu> eon- | troversy bet\veon tiie Statea l)epartment ānd Lord Sali8bury. JSune o!f | the faets relating to that issiiV ln\v£ I thus far appear«d in tho case. aisd in [all probability will tfot. ThV *dij>loI matie negotiatiofts ai 6 o;i as thev wer« before, with fhe prōbabili- | ty that the demands \)f the Ui U(ē<l Staltes forarbitrati»n wiUlieooiK-otled.