Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 30, 7 March 1891 — Mitchell and La Blanche. THE FIGHT BY ROUNDS. How the Knock-Out Blow was Delivered by Mitehell. [ARTICLE]

Mitchell and La Blanche.


How the Knock-Out Blow was Delivered by Mitehell.

At 8:35 o'eloek the whistling, etamping anel gallery gods' t*ttoo, i whieh for 15 minutes had assi§ted in ' raising the dust from the henp.he», gave way to cheers as the perennial Billy Jordan nppeared iu tho , door way of th« gymnagmna. IJe folkrw»dHby ¥otmg'Hmitmgton and Bp- , chette, wlio gave a good exh,ijbitipft of three round.s. At 9 o' eloek Pr«sident Fulda stepped into the ring and made a brief address i saying that the entertainmont waa io be a purely "EeieniiAe*. 1 exhibition, whieh was evid»aeed by the fact ihal five ounee glov»s were. to be. used. Everything had been done, he iu*id, to make the •xhibition one based purely on "scieiitifie" princij>los. Re!erring to romarks ,Biade ai>put tlio club, he said the elub Jxad noi be©B organized to make money, and īl\at all its trausaction's were ojl a p£r* fectly square basis and conducted iu a geritlemanly manner. La Blanche was the first at th,e c.onte»te»ts to app4ar. wpre long overcoat whieh almost OQx®fed his form. He was greeted with applause, whieh, however, wajj but as a whisper to the cheers and stamping tbat heralded tlie entrance 6f Young Mitchell into the ring. The Marine took the soutlieaat eorner, while Mitchell sat in the northwest coraer. Jack Delancey and Quilligan supported La Blanclie and 3£artin Mqjphy and W»lter Watson were with Mitchell. Hiiam Oook, the refere«, had given the men the-*r instirpctions up stairs, and, after the gloves had been put on and the boiers had beenl rubbed down and well groomed by| their seconds, the gong s6unded ,at ( 9:20 o'eloek for the first ix>und and! the men stepped to tlie center of the riog and shook hands. Eaoh wore on ly a breeoh cloth, Bocks and «tockings. La B!anche appeared «ome poUnds heavier than Mitchell, but that mav have been on account cf his heavier frame, for he was onlv two ponn<h above the California boy, turning the aealai afc 1© pouuds, one pound below the limil, while Mitchell carried 151 pounds. As usual, Mitchel! appeared very 0001. wliite the Mnrine assumed tlie careless, loose atitude whieh gained for him ihe reputation of being a "foxy" tnun ia tho Mitchell f*fnted with the right and La BUnch« countered, but fell sliort. A elineh followed aud La Blanclie then swung ft left up|M»rcut, lmi did not Und it. He got in. his i!ght ou the ribs and wās re))ftivl w)tK a lefihander in the wiud. Miteh«ll laiuloi heavilv en the no»e. Mitcbel) duckqd and out wliieh was ĪAlnw e<3 l\y Tu br«aking &way jslvpp<Hf A\id W1 to As he iwas recoTering he fell a <>peuing, b«t Uie Mailue uevor ilacU- . od Uim. 5 I Duriii£ tIM tmi Jack bout owt hia m«u aud sucked ilio. blood from * g.4&h v>u tlie qf| Vhe Mariu<»'« uose, notwithaUiUdiugj whieh ki>id oilke, Blanche eaiu»». up for the secoud rouud\vith a face. Mik'uell stsbbed wilU hUlofti, i and then »luoked ;* right-haud«*r. eliuoh fv>llowed. iu hre«kuig wineh UUueho &tfuck om, . !

wllieh he washissed. La Blanchej fell short wiih l»ft «nd right, and' Mitchell landed his left on the Ma-j rine'»sorenosewitha smash. Mitchell, again landed thd left hearily. La' Blanp,he led with a right-hand swlng,, whieh Mitchell ducked, and thfih got lus good leit on th« rine's jaw, staggering La Blai»he. In a elineh La Blanche triedtochokē with his forearm. Mitchell again. stabbed with his left, and ducked a heavy right-hand swing.. ii La Blanche oponed the third with a rush, but c«t only air. He soon, however,. landed a be&utiful leit upp«rcut on MitcheH'-s ehin, though Johnny cross-couiiierea and reached Manne'a neek. La Blanche landed on the nose, and in a elineh the Marine tried for an. uppercut, and was again hissed. Then there was, some pretty half-arm work, in whieh jlitchell got in a good uppercut with i his reliable l«ft. ' j Miiehell landed his left x in the opening of the fourth ; and goi, away. La Blanche tried to shift and Mitchell escaped a . viciou£ left swing. La Blanche clinched and again punehed beforedthe break. Mitchell landed his.left, staggering the Marine, but was repaid with -n heayy right-hander on the »ide of the head. Here there was a dispute, in whieh Mitehell appealed to the referee, aa in the clinches La.Blanche used his left forearm to presa MitcheU's throst. Mitchell Unded squarely on the f»ce in thfl flfth< JSe )fid «gain, the Marine *©irossbuttocked hin», whieh drew more ajftgry wprds from the co»teBtant». Bl»nche then rushed, bu4 did no injury; and the roundended with both menapparently angry. ; ; ; v Mitchell led off the sixth ing heav}l w on the faee, La Blanche theu rUshed, and in escaping liijn MiUheU d%cked, and in the elinoh that followqd his head wa» caught by the Marine'.s arm just at La Blanch«'s belt. Beferee Cook apoke to MHehell, .«aying: "There agai», Noxt ti«ie you do th&t I'il | eou&uioi it a fcul." "X'm uot trying fco foul him," saidMitchell i»dig»ant- i lv. E» Blanche landed a heavy left on th% chest, followed by a good ohe! oh J<Jbn»y*b heart.. There was a hot' rally in Mitchel 1 's corner, with honors about even. Mileheli landed a pretty right»»hander straight on "the fo!loWed by a light left on the ehin. 1 Mitohell led and La Blanche ducked, Mitchell fell over him to the ftoor, th« Marine walking away. Miiehell landed his left under the ohin, B€fnding La Blanche back against the ropes, where he almost feil to the floor, only the lower rope saTinc hīm fK>m thecam-as. * MiWhell landed light in the wi«d in the seventh, aad followed with left and right in quick succe||ion aa thd neek, twist|ng Mar»« »round. La Blanche oame back «msing, bv»t «et a heavy left-hander under the ehin that raised him off his feet and laid him floor. La landed his right on MitoheU's neek and Miiehell went dowu on his handa atid knees. Mitchell again remembered La Blanche's skinned nose in ihe eighth aud fcilowed the visitation by a iefthander pn the neek. Mitchell led the! left agam and La Blanche countered and landed'heavily on J ohnny f s heart. La BUnohe again led off, but was Ktopped a left-hander in the . face. ■, .. | le<i # iU# »inth andi Mitchell a right-, hander on thēTieart ( wlneh he follow-j ed by a smash in the Marin<s face. Mitchell laaded again ovor th« heart and La Blanohe fell.on his hids aud knees. TYhile they were uianeuvering ( in a corner the Maiine got in a hea\v right-hand swing on the ehin. ! Miiehell placed a straight right-i I hander over th# i£ariua a heart ui the i a«ain t V uu|;o4i the week, r Jm ■ " eAvl b" on Ihe ehin auU, ' La*BUnohe coimferod ou tho heart L» Blanche ruaKad and waa mei bv a h«&vy swiug on the neek. He ag»i u ! ruahed, aud agaiu MitcheU plaoed! uuder tho Marinc si ?birt. hmng La Blauche frouihis leeii Uyiog him fiat on his WV Mitoh«il jumped over his bodv and walkto «euUr of tko % L» BL-!nche got up aud pmead«d to bu the sabt<?rfuge ssaa too app*r*nt and he wa* UuoWi ALitch«U kepi irout him tlaux' xvore uo Ulon th€t gong aoū«dtHĪ, I* BUnche land«d & ouo in! th« stomaeh m ilie tīu n tr«d to ahift and MiioheU l*ad*»d , •wmg»ng U>ft, sU£genmj ihe ii.«-. r,n f Miiohell agam got m hU la; *ad couuter*vi ou Uhj eheek. La' lilauohe swunu his ri«Uon Uie he*d. j aud e*c*pod another right-. haiulor by duokiug. , Mi\olieil Uudwu t a hot one o\-er the, avd iu a «liaeh that fo'lox»-od ihretv hia Uft k>UH> up iu a way that viit»w fo th soiuo rew*rks frv>w the MiUihell iaudod htiAvUy

on the beart and ducked away clever- , ly iust as the gong sounded. ln the twelfth roUrd La Blanche eame up asstrong and shifty au usual. : He foreed Mitchell over toward his own comer, falling short witb a righthand uppercut. whieh he followed with a vicious left-hand swing. He T®till y>ressed Mitch©ll back ,and sent oftt h» -«plendid right, whieh the younger feliow ducked with and easy Mitchell side stepped away, .. the middie of the ring, and • feihtwig, followed it with a smart _ %ftshand tap on the blonde's ]aw, Marine countering strohgly. La Blanche then circled around, doing a bit of Ike Weir jugglery, prancing , around the ropes and comi«g to the center of tho ring. Mitchell fought shy and La Blanche rushed him over ' toward the ropes, ducking under his left arm and. thrusting his shoulder * against Mitchell's heart.with terrific force. i: J ' , The Marine then got into the north€iastern corner and made a rush at Miiohell. As quick asa flash Mitehell drew back his left and drove it homo on the Marine's ehin. Thē , Marine dropped both hands to his sides, reēled to, the right and fell face down, where he still lay app«rently struggling most convulsively to arise when the refere«called "out, and contest ended.