Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume III, Number 45, 5 November 1864 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THE j ®oimneraal |lbbcrtisfr j BOOK AND JOB PEINTING ESTABLISHMENT Is acknowledged to possess THE BEST ASSORTMENT ~OF~ JOB PRINTING TTPE Of any other office IN TBE SAM)\VHH ISLINDS, And 1s well adapted to the PRIĪTM!^ —OFPOSTEES! OF .A_:N"Y SIZ3£, Either in PLAIN | —0R COLOES; Business, Visiting and i Wedding Cards f j On a YANKEE CARD PRESS.'' Hotel Bills of Fare, I 81l TicketB, | Circulara, i Envelopeß, Lw Blanks, Receipts, On a New Kuggles' Job Press. BOOKS. PAMPHLETS, MINISTERIAL REPORTS, LEGISLAriVE REPORTS, LAWYERS' BRIEFS, CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, NEWSPAPERS, &c., dcc., 6cc. On an Adaifts' Power Press, in the most unsurpassable style of the art, —AND AT— BARELY LIVING PRICES! Now on hand, a large stock of SHEET CARDS & CARDB! Of all kinds and sizei, suitable for »VBiarSBB, wuoiko, | TXBZTZ9« ! And other "pnrposes. 1 i tar loog Ibf eoaSd«Bet «*t. j ronag« of the pobliQ, in oar bntin«m tnamtint!ti ttke the opportonUy to retnrn ovr hMrt-feli ti,«v. for pa»t farors a&a r«|«etftil)j uk a eominaanee »f ' idi nme. HENRY M. WIIITNEY. Honolūlu, 1864. i OLELO HOOLAHA. \ N°llnr» B ki u NOUA MAI AV OC. 9. an& ,^. nse n * iboikela.«i« nw keehek o' m*P<*»lhi«wi,Hno l Uaw»U 1 ko'«kewbMiß. , G. 8. KKNWAT, Hito, H.WU, hn», IMi i OLELO HOOLAHA. 1 Mll AU O e.a. WAY, k» Lauakan»w*l Kupuni o nih> • J. W. KtkAbO<s oo bc*UV» w*; ft» Pm*p«M tnoi» oJ. ?° H "°» i nd s MokOk, o» hoUwi» k. 1 » »P*a lo*, k« pill, ok» PwAa», «āo»* » o S*- 1 ▼«n*ba, 1 k» hon, 9 o k»k«bi»k», oU k» 1» am k» han I <*»• BO u .^ . pot»pftia kaook»,» n* «* I 10, Hewaii, kVo k(eu b»s». il O. & KKMWAI, | _ LaMkanawml K»»pa»i- J9 Hilo, H»«r»ii, Bept. •, 1864. USSt