Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 2, 12 January 1865 — New Music for the Children. [ARTICLE]

New Music for the Children.

As there arc no type upon these islands for printing xnusic, we propose to give our young Hawaiian friends some new tunes, in a #tyte with whieh many of them are alr»dy partially acquainted in their day schools. The numbers as usual denote the position on the scale ; 1 is Do, 2 Re, S Mi> 4 Fa, 5 Sol, 6 La, 7 Si, 8 Do, The length of the notes is indicated by punetuation tnār!ks, su?ceeding the %iire. Whole notes are jrepresented by f*f>eriod, a& (5.) Half notes by a eolon» as (5:) Quarter ndtes by n senoi-colon, as (5;) Eightk notes by a eomma, a« (5,) Sixteentk notea by a hyphen, a8 (5») Inverted comniaB preceding eb- number indicate thaytp pl&ee dtl the stafff is below number4 ; th»t.if. that it belongs to tbs j tave below. Inyertkd epmmas a nuiaber, «liow that its plaoe ph the s|aff Js above the number 8.. A dot or period add«l to th« punctuatjoft mark, adds one hatf to the length of the ftote, as in other music. . ! A» accidental ;e|harp ia »htowoby a £close. j A n accidental flai js ahown fy'a |' preceding the numter. i i When two fer' &re enclo»ed> in a parenthiJBia, they are to be siing to one syllable, as if connected I>y a slur in eomrnonnmsic. , ... V; *[9 wea, maluDa.'e no* ka m&e p6 na ImmalH ua unuhiia ma kā ofelo Hawaii, a malalo nei. .