Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 19, 11 May 1865 — THE NEWS. [ARTICLE]


ln another part of our paper will be found the sad newa from the United States. No words bf ours ean justice to our grief. We mingle our tears with those of that great nation beyond the sea, who are mourning as for a Father. All over the world the friends of libertv and justice, the poor, the oppressed everywhere, will weep for him, the Savior of his country, the Liberator of four millions of slaves, the People's friend.

No parallel for this great crime ean be found in fhe world's history since the Crucifixion. In the hour of victory, just as the rebellion had been crushed beneatlf his feet 5 when in the generosity of his gr&at heart he was about to grant the rebel leaders that mercy whieh they had no right to cxpect, he was murdered by a cowardly assassin. His body lies dead in the Gapital,buthissoul has put on the crown of martyrdom. His name will forever be revered like that of Washing* ton. The diabolical character of this rebellion has illustrated itself in this last act of infamy. He had a heart noble and generous enough to have embraced them ail in one great act of pardon. He alone could have shielded the rebel chiefs from punishment, and now in their madness they have ki!led him. Now the whole nation calls for vengeance, and God have mercy on the s souls of the rebel chiefs.

Take courage. The Nation still. lives. The great work whieh Abraham Lineoln commenced, will be carried on triumphantly to the end. His death will save the nation from one great danger—that of too great leniency to the wicked men who caused this rebellion.