Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 37, 16 September 1865 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

English Column.

laleo. The number of bands of gu«rruia a creasing in «II p«m ef the cwmtrv iL" considerable damagt? a D <i genewl tlanger of tbe Empm>. also a want of harmcny betvreen the FV ~ an(L Austriao troopa eaiieU upoa u, Maxmiiian*s throne. A brigade O fG h Mejia'# ia aaid to oeeup* 3iooter*r French officer, a posaeager oo th* £, a £ugcoie, reports that on learing VV n r** he Jearned thnt forees had been »ot to T pio. where an attacfc from Juarez 5 tmi reinforced by Amenean emigrants » as pected. Gen. Baaio« h»d eomn***, fortiiy and »4rengthea se*eml intenor We conclude, from all accou»jts. affeirs in Meiieo are going 0Q " worse, and at no Ute day * generai « up'* may.be expected. xrri L turn to his countrv, where he » tw m>n wanted than iu Mexico, and Lcuts endeavor to «rork cornerwiae ioto tfae Cn ■ States and upaet the Monroe * prove a failure. . Thk Specik or tbi N*«r IHhah* —The New Orfams True Deltx a« VS heen positirely ascertained wtu: the specte sent away by the \> w Or«,I b«uks at the lime city was captutvvi the Union forces. lmmediatelv upon -1 surrender of the Confederate arm'ies, s ■n»3sum wns sent by the banfcs iruo the e'federacy to look after, and. if secure this raoney. It has »o*v W, tained that the mor.ey was used by tr* (y». authorities prior to »od at the time ,* ... grand collap«e» and that brge »u TOS uf , j, money \vere appropriated br sotne h> g 'i i : . feder»te dig»itaries for thēir own benefit. There were about i4.5U0.001k u this specie in all. and its k»s wUI »ro«* I severe blow to the banks. The Rvssuh Plaocs Cox»*e— Washtngton RejmUkan states that a®n«s c fortnation has been received at the LV partment, from our Minister at Si hurg. that tbe " Euimao pkgw~u s iearfu\\y, and is mo*ing weatwtudlv. iu urges that proper sanitarv be t*i,* throughout the Unit*d States to prvrtot - introduction here. Actiog upon Minw Clay's suggesttoo, the State I*p»rtmvut issued ctrculars to the pnneipnl mame-p. authonties throughout the counttv, ting that every possible prtventi*i W against the approaching eriL Trouble is said to be brewtng w* Mormons. A t»in of »ixty waeon» ~tuleft Salt L&ke Ctty tn ra*t* foe th* Sta tr ,