Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IV, Number 39, 30 September 1865 — The Latest News. [ARTICLE]

The Latest News.

By the Whistler we receired news frotn Washington to the 6tU S r tember. A great many are s*eking pardon lrw< the President. Three fcurtL of hw t:u, is taken up in this busioe». Gen. Grant*was visitiug Caoada. whk-rs-he vvas received with gre»t ceremouv. The southern rebeb*are thr«*otemf.g fo k;. off the liberated blacks ; but the strū<ig am of the Gorernment wiil protect the bkck-< has liberated. Gen. Lee ha« accepted the PressdcßCv the Washington College ©f Viryiaia Jeff*. Daris is so far recoTrnfd frcm auaek of erysipelas as to he able w his accustomed daily walk». is n<J ,sr a!lowed to write to his wife. Heal» a allowed to read sotne of the dai!y ae«rsps* pers. The p)ague is tn ikiog gn»t rarag« m Egypt and Constantinople. At the plaee 400 deaths are reported daily, The Great £astern was to be to piek up what she coald of the f»gtnenw of the Atlantic wjre, and the purpose make another attempt to tay the cabte oeit year. Keports are conftjctinc lenniio; in Wexico. ° *