Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 9, 3 March 1866 — English Column. Foreign News. [ARTICLE]

English Column.

Foreign News.

I» Murroy we have Catiforoia papers ; Fel>ruary and New York pa- . inuary llfh. ( ni(ed SUtes. | n opponon!» of negru suflfrage »n tbe ; >f (.'iiumhia on tbe night of Janr ?•> f, 3rrt tw '° ch'irches for nel kep; by a negr«, and some r -upK*d by nef?rocs. These f»res ovrt s j and put out before they had rh (1-unaee. • v Jer«ey Legislature has rattfied ,\\i\ional *mendment ab<rf»H»og g A attempt had beea made to 1h • of llic V- s * Su P reme 1 ourt,% a t'jrj>edo sent through the mail om ykli..mia. He had a very narrow |>r ipil American Generals, Sher- ' mo, Ofa .? M-adp, Thomas and sheridan, l«« bftf> <' t;'.<■<! to WaMhingU»n to consnlt •nt on miliiaty a(Tairs. Sherim tv«i i><at>ie to corne becau*e M busily I; fi pn scrving peaee on tiie Rio f th it the Governtnent are V T ™«* J«ff. l).wis. They have A'in. Kvarts, of N«w York, as Govl'nvy,r in the case, with a fee of I,i!l.iOn the Jnn. i?7th, Secre,ar.l r«*turned i» the Government 'V having made the tour of iu.ln lslands. His heaUh is very !Hst of January, Congre»s passed uriis vote an amendment to the ion, whieh npport»ous the number ientative* frotn eaeh State, nccord« • fn»fiilx*r of nllowed to vote. he Southern States do not pcrmit 0 vote they will have fewer Kepres in Cony;res9. Presulent Johnson d to the hill giving the negroes the jM»rt« tl tlfat se w eral Chilian privaheeu seen in the Gulf of Mexico, for Spanish merrhant vessel». ahipowneM nre nlarmed. Meiieo. n night of ihe sth of January, a sixty men from the enst side of the ide, attacked ond captured Bflgdad f on thaC river. They lost, 4 killed umlcd; Maiiiuilian'» men, 11 killed wounded. The Mexicnn General 1 hail gono there to take command. ported that soldiers of the American k part iu this cxpeditiun, but this is ,• the American General. rtM»t'h had sent an army whieh had •imi j»ied Chihufth\m, and Pres»dent nl ngain retired to El Paso. About lh««nd Oi' l>n:».Muher, the French sent a diviPaao, but Ju«Tex c«Hected ihew un :»nuy «nder Oen, Ferriga, ond lAld# ftuv -i prcy.»rationa for defence that the 111rcntrd without nttacking hun. Lt« (> •! ) vr, Junr,z' term of olliee exjpire4| ih, a proclamatiou that as ther«p eou'i.l bo no eieelion held, he would jCWl<|pu>' to U' Pre.sident unlil u successor l>e ehvted. Gen. Ortega, the Vice IVumli 11 r who is in Texas, hus issued a pnmt u£iimsi Jurtre-i'course. Karthquukes, i*">th of January, a slight earth<quak* u .i5 ū\t nt San Francisco. On the i'tt*ff IVce mber, the c»ty of Car»ccas, the x<\ VeJH iviela, »n South America,was ivle<troyed bv an earthquake, the lelt all along tho northern coast o( A i;u*rioa. Car.iccas »s a city of nearly iuhabitanta, aud quite wealthy, 8»tul miie.s fron» the sea. It was nearly ■0(1 onee Wfore bv an earthquake, viz., •J, wheu 10.000 people were killed. UO not yet heard how »nany were iliod hy this last earlhquake. Euro P p - re hr»s l»een a rebellion in Spa»n, led ». Pri»no, but »t waa aooa put down, had tled into Portugal. British Parliau»ent was to meet FeK V hill was to be laid befor« them by Joh« Kussell. for extending tho righl e Alfred w»!I be »narried*in July. Kmpen>r Napoleon'i Ministers w»sh > wiihdraw the French troops from ». U»t he does oot wish to do so, until i\ian has enough Austrian soldiers tc us government secure. en Emma of Hawaii nei was <o pass uter at Niee, on the border bet«reen and ltaiy. The Emperor of Russia e» King of Bavaria also are there. heir to the throne of Rus*ia ia to the Pfince» Dagnwir, of i*enmark, as betroih*d to hia older broiher who st year. J«<* U*tU. he mea la e hoopii koke ana ke Aupu«tf. Daris, no ka mea, ua koho Ukou liama EvaU (Wiiiiam Evarts) o Nu Lo»o no ia hihia. 0 kona uku $100.