Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 13, 31 March 1866 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

English Column.

|H Trlt'«ni»liic.

,f,i s»'*:u. that Frfi. Doughss wa« 'p :*".r tr,<- Pt'-m d- .it m his late ioter••:h the roioreil Ex«Gor-i.M'-aio. N. C.. favors net:ro evsdenre. * t tl»at 'ya u' v\- survey a nw>re |n —th" .Mouni-jin«s for ■ {C li. niav h' i'u.inl m Coiorado. , of Kiv?r and ' Oeph. i»v whH: rout<* over one 1 r;» i"- Wfiuid Ik' s^ V rMi in reachin£ i t L ik*-* Citv. <*ov:Tntnerit directi' i ijjr Haiiro'id are \iririnj: the : i,•(• d! .!'!opiin£f iitrH-un ,5: to h.nMen ior the * i»'( ripro ity Treaty with Cauada ■iii" !v The Lf2"is!atsre ol i'ioMi»"i a State Con«tit»tion. to il'ii; ti- d to 'iie p«'opie on tiie second ('o'.. Ko\viand, ou ha!f ol the rn P.i' Kailnn.i. hui inforrned the i;h-m that work wai ahout fo he eomLao.ith.it » vcry eflort wiil ' e made jit ,\:i !;:i}tortaot Mumc.«tead Kiii s( ti th'* low«.t i>ousi' of Conctess, dis„i puUli.- iaudr' to a«:tual settiers re- <•- nj r;».-c or < o|or, in Al.ihama, .\iis- , Loimian.i, Kansas. and Fiorida. '-•ev'cri ehilJren were drowned in a ;r at Ceiina. Oiiio. by failing: The Assoeta-r'',*i«-t contr : .i»uted anotiier cargo of 0 C«rn. ilowani, ol' (he Freedmcn ? s \Veitzel thinks tliat tlie ■ water«'d hv the Kio (Jrande is not i,'oinLf to war about. Uov. Jenkins ;in appfMti to the iadios of Georpfia lor irv afsist;iui.*e l«>r Mr«. JofT. Davis. 1 i\:- tifty doLars were olfi'red for tickiillllll.' to P>.ui»Toft's oratiou on Lineoln, l'apMol. The totai receipts of the iri CoriiMii.-sion :ire statrd at 5(5.2t>4. Ijfijj. F. Butler is ahout to ereet a nill on the James Kiver, and will irciiase the (arm throngh whieh runs ti*h Ciap Canal. Two i>f tiie rolihers 'oneonl H.mk, .M,i>s, have lieeu eap:id S 190.000 recov.«rrd. The Lpgis.l' Colorado has passed a joint rt«solu<king to he admitteii into the Union .ite. An injdnction l»as l>een is*sued ThU'i!o\v \Veed aod others lo prevent i'llim; oertun privile(f,-« ;*r.\ntt'd hy ry Sianton. to huihl a telegraph l'mui ik'.tus t<» 6iu Franciseo. The Cont l'niou Couvention has uoininated ds. |{. Hawlev for Governor. Kesoexpressive of i*onlideuc<? iti Andrew ii aiui the Union majority in Congress, n-sed. The Senate Committe have 1 f.>vnr;ihly n hill for the constrnction !outliern Paeille Kailroad. lt is to ■e iu .lauuary, lSt>7 ; htVm \vork two vears. and cotnplete annually not iii (iiiy uiiiesol the road. It is (earcd ' President will veto the Freedman's P>ill. A locomotive had passed over w railroad hridi:e on the Hudson. ohert E. Lee is to be exainined hefore inminee ou Kecon*trnction. Fifteen i:»l Puvmastors had h-en mtistered ervu*»'. h? VacijK,)